Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tempting pain…

Yeah, tempting pain, headache pain I’ve got to mention my seeing along my way to Ann Arbor at least two of the winter covered Golf preserves where in, upon, over which there’s been no recent activity of old duffers chasing after those elusive golf critters. How do I know this? Well recognizing some of those summer frenzied eating areas synonymous with them unseen varmints there was not one flag marking any holes where from what had ever been drawn one of the hard shelled golf eggs those romance old duffers has never managed to break using a whole bag of clubs repeatedly hitting them all over the country side. Unusual for me, I pray for the souls of such unseen, un-depicted golf’s, a safe and healthy hibernation's during these longer winter blasted bone chilling days.
Today’s the best day I’ve personally had for a couple weeks. Clearer headed I had to motor Frieda to her Arthurtightass Doctor. He was thrilled when I saw Frieda walk in on her own without either riding the wheel chair or on my arm. A couple her prescriptions were theoretically discontinued with a couple written backup scrips for a just in case.
Next we went shopping, well, rather I went shopping and she, and she meaning Frieda, all she wanted was a couple packages of hush puppies available in only one Yankee store. Letting me do the shopping myself again as she’s had before I didn’t get out of that store for no less than $88.00 for two lousy packages of hush puppies,… well…and….maybe a couple pizzas,… a uh four pot pies,… err uh…, and uh a few other things I’d guess. Imagine $88.00 for two hushpuppies and a couple bags cat food.
Then it was one more stop, or so I thought. She wanted to go Meijer’s Thrifty Acres. She wanted a new battery in her self winding watch. Well half that want is correct. I had thought she could use a Omego shopping car. She turned it down taking to walking. After the first round the store, I had to get the Omego car for myself the last two rounds. The crazy woman’s become a dynamo I may not be able to out run????
Then Bro’ had a few chores for me to do to help him out. One thing he needed was cat food. One of my $88.00 shopping bags bag? BGKC.


Paula said...

Whew! Your hush puppies are high there. Better watch that skillet now that Frieda's knees are better.

Kelly said...

Them groceries up there sure do add up awful fast! LOL! ;)

Good to hear your head is easing up and Frieda is doing better with her walking.

Want to trade some mud for some snow? I am about ready to throw in the towel here, except if I do that, its going to have to be a HUGE towel. You just wouldn't believe the mud, I and the ground have reached our saturation point I tell you. (((FERN))) Love, Kelly