Thursday, July 23, 2009


For all the rain we’re getting, it’s looking like this is a day of recovery? Weather’s low pressure hovering over me my head’s feeling like it is ready to explode. Ugly has refused to start again. Daren’t park it anywhere they ain’t an electrical outlet. Left turn out of the drive PT. I don’t think its helping me a bit. Frieda says she feels better. Ha! She ain’t practicing what she’s supposedly learned to do?
Needing to catch an uncooperative cow that is something I can’t do for this poor old lady. Not wanting to press her I need some quiet easy going help. That idea canceled for lack of assistance. The day held other need doings.
Next stop farm shop for three shot battery trade-ins. Had to cut across WNW the county a piece for three new TSC batteries. Heading S from their ran out of gas half way to Dentists office. Spare gas carried and a filling station later we’d been to late for dentist. Grocery store same direction we wheeled in there in stead. Frieda giving me her list I did the shopping only to find out later the shopping was for daughter who hadn’t seen an insurance check in weeks guaranteeing her survival.
Just stopped by Kelly’s Chicken Chronicles to say hello. Then read about the following. I remembered when she putt her chickens in short pants. She’s even sharing fashion patterns with other chicken lovers. She’d even mentioned other recognizable names perhaps getting in on the act. Is this another new trend blossoming for the near future? What next? Unable to keep up with the daily changes in the goods supposedly on the market to make us live longer and enrich our lives, I know I'm getting to old for changing newborn baby chicks diapers. What is society coming to? I'm going to draw the line at my ladies having to wear skirts! There’s here where something will just remain uncovered……..but then I’ve been reading Donna and I wouldn’t put it past her to fit a skirt on her Bonnie.
I don’t know what spurred the following conversation. Perhaps some passages in the current book she’s reading? Getting to it she brought up how so many older folks worry about dieing. She was telling me how many nursing home patients she held in her arms as they passed away. She said they were easy, quiet painless, peacefully going into to their last sleep.
Frieda’s comments prompted my mentioning my death didn’t bother me, only I’d not like to go before her for who would take care of her if I went first? I continued with I was actually looking forward to my death rather than having to enjoy any more continued pains.
After lunch it was back to the day’s continuation, after lunch I slipped off into a nap. Must have been about my forth since the first of the year. Gosh, It was wonderful. I had managed to escape all my day’s pain. Sheesh, now I’ve got so much more to catch-up with tomorrow having enjoyed these two days. Nothing good ever goes unpunished. I better take the little implement trailer with me come morning. I’ve got to install those three batteries into a couple things tomorrow. BGKC.


Paula said...

Don't be a tight wad Fernan buy some skirts for your ladies and keep up with the times.

Donna. W said...

Nope, no skirts on my Bonnie! You want her to be a laughingstock?