Monday, December 14, 2009

Venturing out

Our paved roads are in fair shape with encounter able patches of black ice anywhere. Our driveways and my road are skating raceways if these and more like gravel roads and driveways ever so iced down. Ugly and I had no choice. I took Ugly out on the roads regardless the hazards for feed grinding supplies. The conditions were a grand test for both our prowess (ugly and I) my steering with Ugly’s concerted pull. We had a fun time keeping the whole weighty trip between a couple roadside depressions.
Got to work on the Tall Ollie again for a couple hours today. How sweet it is. Five combined hours, so far, we’ve gotten the left front axel spindle housing swinging fore and after. When it is gotten at tomorrow it should start sliding out widening the front tire track.
Oh boy have I got a lot to do tomorrow. Tomorrow’s chores weren’t my regular scheduled forte. This off farm outing has me picking up groceries for a Lady whom can’t get out. Why couldn’t she have been closer than 12 miles. Oh well! While I’m out I’ll pick up a few thing we need as well from the Grocer’s. And while I’m that far gone, just a bit further on, I may also stop and make several TSC purchases: cat food, livestock salt, hand socks, and a bulk truck mounted field fuel tank cap.
I unintentionally slighted my ladies today. While they hadn’t reprimanded me they were none the less happy to see I hadn’t totally forgotten them. All’s well my giving them two bales silage. I understand it’s good stuff by their ravings.
Starting our laundry earlier this morning, each time I’ve come in the house I’ve had to deal with it. While writing this I’m wondering how late the laundry’s going to keep me up drying.
Frieda’s gotten her appointment (today) to see the orthopedic surgeon before Christmas, even.
For slippery day we’ve survived the elements smiling. BGKC.

1 comment:

Paula said...

I would like to know how Frieda was able the train you to do the laundry?