Friday, May 28, 2010


Putting one new tire un Ugly has changed that silly machine’s who demeanor. What gives? Alright I let everything about me possess a soul. Animals, buildings, machines, wife, excluding myself. I can’t figure it? I even managed to drive the all to lately contrary beast over to the Crossroads for gasoline. Then went home my knee paining an excellent excuse to eventually go home for lunch, drop my pants, removed the brace and laid my knee over an ice pack.
I’ve gone over too face book. LOL at myself. I have no idea what I'm doing. It maybe I'm tiring and my mind is shutting down. Butt if I’m blessed I’ll se a few more days to figure it out.
However I'm healing slowly and evenly my strengths and stamina Are going for a little longer walk very day. Machinery breakdown are slowing planting. We solve these fixes machines should be good to for years.
Within these brackets are my words for today‘s facebook entry. {LOL at myself. I have no idea what I'm doing. It maybe I'm tiring and my mind is shutting down.
However I'm healing slowly and evenly my strengths and stamina are going for a little longer walk very day. All I can say is look in on "Fernan's Shorthorn country life" for more details than I maybe allowed here.
Please accept my apologies, I must simply lay it down. I'll be getting back.
Fernan} So’ it seems I have no idea what I’m doing. I’ll try to pick you all up another day.
Darn it, I’m just getting to be to old an old dog!

1 comment:

Paula said...

Goodnight, sleep tight.