Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Woke with neck so sore had to have icepack, take a Valium & three Tylenol, followed with a heated rice filled sock neck-wrap. This no daily way to go through life even a morning after hay baling.

Must move steering column up and change seat I can move back. I also need a seat I can slid (or swivel) my butt around upon. And able to stand without prolonged bent knees. Otherwise the 40 some yr old Tall Ollie was a pleasure to drive.

Rain ending early AM the sun had come out along about noon.
A tale for two Georges:
Halleluiah! Alias and TX, between us Ray and I finally got my azzkicker innards working this very afternoon. Playing with it all this time I’ve found one weakness to resolve while I work on the housing cabinetry, install the working mechanism, add the battery and battery solar charging panel. Lastly it’ll take some ingenuity to spot it where it’s needed making it bovine proof. To that end I’m thing hot wiring it. (grin)
An unexpected use made out of a bad habit:
I found two of my used tobacco cans driven onto the disc’s wheeled hubs are making great dust caps to help keep the wheel bearings clean.
If ya got’em light’em up. The can you empty may just be that needed part to complete a machinery fix.
Tom’s Mom is going home.
With the family looking to hospice for moral support. Meanwhile regardless everything else going on around here and there keep a light burning in the window and remember to BGKC.

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