Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Three Way Split

Yup, that’s what I needed this morning. Seems there just isn’t enough of me to go around. First off I had to take Frieda to Doc’s office for a whole slew of minor surgeries. Looking hr over yesterday Frieda had some moles he didn’t like the looks of and Doc was going to remove them this morning. That was one way. I also had to get the ladies out on new pasture so’s they could graze the fresh green stuff and bale green hay for haylage wrapping. What to do?
Much fresher this AM than I was late evening last I got out my chainsaw and went to heavy hand brushing. I got to tell it like it was. I was fresher this AM and the cutting and throwing the brush back into the woods seemed like nothing but light work, which turned so much easy this morning. Then I belayed the fence wire putting on the posts as I rolled along side the lot of them. When I had finished I double checked my work visually and meter readings. The pasture readied I went to share the good news with the ladies. Then all I got out of them was a lot of lip. They’d been down that right-of-way before and had eatened it off. They weren’t going to let me fool them.
Near enough I come in for lunch only there weren’t any. I called the trash pickup and asked, “Where are my trash tubs?” While I didn’t get any static I didn’t get any immediate satisfaction either.
One thing’s sure as hard as those tubs are to come by I don’t need some imbeciles throwing them away for me. I use them for grain spills, grain storage, and my latest robot project when working will require two per building each additional robot. I’ve stowed parts in them, carried tools and varied other supply’s in them. I’ve found them excellent consol covers on the JD’s keep water out of the hydraulic remote cables, thus winter frozen iced free operable. I want my tubs back. They’s supposed to send somebody out to survey my complaint. Probably be another dodge?!
Finshing my lunch the phone rings to tell me I got to come pick up Frieda. I told the Miss on the other the line, “Let Doc take her home while I sit back to see if I like it?” It was no soap, I had to go bring her home. (sigh)
Tractor time, I started baling the alfalfa down the road. The hay so heavy, so much, I had to drop two gears so’s the baler’s pickup could to take it in. Almost finished I was called to stop baling. Bro’ had decided he wants to dry bale it now. (I don’t know?) Finished there I come home contacted the county drain commission about the hole in the county drain out back. That’ll be inspected tomorrow. Caught up phone calls out of the way, Frieda home, lunch downed I was free to dry bale the bottom ground out back. Surprising me I rolled up more hay than I figured was out there. I start adding up the harvest off this place and I’m going to set a long time unbroken record for yield, 60 to 70 bales already harvested there has to be at least that many more out here and then some. I’m already getting a nice all over fire side good fuzzy feeling and Winter is still a fare piece off.
6:00 PM and I’m in the house early. I’d finished all the hay baling I was allowed and then some. There’s plenty more out there, our having a new plan our dry timing against the weather predictions. I look in refrigerator and had a cold supper, and got my hinny chewed on for all the garbage growing in the icebox. An exchange of a few words and I was garbage detailed.
It’s late now and I was pushed only just far enough this day I feel good about it; and, I don’t want to think about tomorrow. BGKC.

"To the moon Alice!"

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