Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Trash day, must be Tuesday

Serviced and set balers to their respective tractors. Put the welded and shortened muffler back on the Shultz Ollie. Still need a new replacement. Had to re-cut my corncrib lumber and bundle it for this week’s trash pick up. Serviced bale wrapper. Must be the year for failing batteries right and left around here. Two yrs ago it was tires: seven drivers and at least (at least) a dozen wagon tires.
Morning’s shop time I filled oil bottles and played with my azzkicker for a spell. Nope no make it work again today. But then again after supper I’ve got another idea, “Perhaps if I were to add two more ground wires?”
No time for lunch when the dew had dried off I was out I my backyard. I had reconfigured that old PTO driven Allis Chalmers hay-rake for tedding; and, it worked. It did a nice job fluffing up my hay and even scattering it around some.
About the time I finished tedding my hay got a call somebody else was about to loose his to this evening’s rain. Couldn’t et that happen, besides if we could us it it was ours. So, off it was we were heading for a yonder hayfield. I baled the man’s headlands and a couple rounds, loaded the hay and took to Bro’s hay-yard. That’s were the wrapper was. Got that on generous load of hay wrapped taking care of that.
Next I had my own hay to attend to. Home I raked it, baled it and hauled to the wrapper also. At last we’ve a start on our hay making with sixteen 1500# haylage bales wrapped and stowed away for the next 90 days. Ahem, correction, 90 days when that first cell is completed and sealed.
Having had supper an hour late,. Looking outside we rain here. Halleluiah! The downed headlands on two fields save been saved from an over abundance of drowning rain and rotsure. Whew! I has been a Hell of a day Mortimer. These were the good parts of the day.
Into each life a little rain must fall. A Lady friend of ours, Tom’s Mother was taken to the hospital day before yesterday for a recurrence for a hepatitis flair up. That would have been good news. Only it turned bad. The good old Girl’s liver is shutting down. It is expected to be cancerous and even that has already started spreading through out her body. Anybody reading this, if you will, put up all the comforting words to help this family see there Mom thru this crisis regardless the outcome. May her three boys see their mother’s passing a peaceful transition from this world into the next be that the way of our spirits journeys. Amen.


Donna. W said...

I'm saying a prayer for your friends.

Paula said...

You can count me in prayers for your friend and her family. Too many storms here last night to be on the internet. Rained on the cut hay.