Sunday, July 7, 2013

It Don’t rain but it pours

In chronological order; it has continued to rain, rain, rain; two mowing machines are broke down, my Cushman’s blown its exhaust system restricting its breathing at the same time; and worse yet, Herr Klink’s back into the hospital via way an ambulance this afore-night. Raining I’d like to put some time in on Dumpy truck but must put so proper time into housework before making a command appearance before her Mostess’s audience.
Best news, Frieda’s regular cardiac specialist is on Vacation. A stand in physician changing her treatment, it would appear her heart rate has finally been brought under control. While she’s up there, 9th floor, and breathing easier. I told her she was getting awful close to………. She chuckled. Her sense of humor’s still in good working order.
Seems like there’s some day’s I’d just like to rewind and start over. Maybe a good word could still help.

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