Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hay hay hay:
Been busy last few days giving reading 'r' writing little thought. This last weekend was a big one. Friday my book went to the printer. Saturday was become another yr older, ouch. Sunday I was right out there in the hay fields making hay as been the ussual for me lately. I can atest to the fact no one else got wet while I baled my hay in the rain. All that field baled, we hauled it in and wrapped it. When those bales are opened next winter the ladies (cows) will have a winter tast of Spring grasses.
Away from the farm for a few, found this unoccupied 'putor standing so forlorned I just had to sit down and write a few words in my defence.
This all for now. will get back at youlater.


Donna. W said...

Oh yeah, I forgot you and Cliff had the same birthday.

Paula said...

Happy birthday and congrats on your book.