Sunday, May 27, 2012

5-27-2012 Woids, Pics, ‘N’ other Stuff (part3)

Today’s weather turned against us Fillip and I also turned to alternative tasks;…… Photobucket …..Remounted booted and newly inner-tube-ed tire on tractor, nobody looken to get wet this tire’ll wait another day to be calcium chloride fluid loaded. Alternatively, between showers, Fillip took up taking more the Dumpy truck apart. Meanwhile, I cleaned and listed the need for additional Greenee truck parts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As ti had continued to rain off’n’on, Fillip to also see what headway we may try to start and make getting this old Jeep back on the road. Primarily, what it needs is a paint job and all the trimming put back on it. Ehh, they’s a wee bit more to it than that: new wheels, new tires, a taillight, windshield(?) (I don’t remember), and a clutch slave cylinder. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Upon coming home early this afternoon, seeing some smoke coming out of a neighboring wood-lot, Fillip and I took the Cushman to check it out. It was a small brush-pile fire. We parked for a few moments watching it in hopes the owners return with hotdogs, buns, and marshmallows. We’s back home now and looken as if Fillip’s got to fix our supper. Hey, a couple guy’s can dream can’t they. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nuts, may have to grind tomorrow. Downed hay, if field should dry enough I must roll over (rake) hay so’s it don’t mold…! Some moral day down on the farm activities inherent with this family’s farm life. “Rainbows.” Fernan

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