Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Had a productive day

Waking up was easy. Opening my eyes, seeing the clock, I wanted to get up. There were no if‘s, and’s or but’s. I was feeling good and wanted to get on with my farm life as it should productively be.
Glad I had milk I had corn flakes under moo juice for breakfast, a couple coffee’s, and I was on my way. Frieda sent me out with two boxes with hygienic supplies (Frieda’s surplus depends and pads) to drop off at the senior center. Their I picked up three boxes food stuffs. From their I drove cross country going far enough I had become slightly confused as to where I was either at or going to if I kept motoring on. Coming upon the Birch Run road I had gotten to far north. Turning around going three miles south I found the road I was supposed to have been on maybe as much as a sure half hour earlier. Traveling east I soon arrived where I had originally started out to go. Stopping here I gave the mistress of this house those fruits and vegetables goods what she wanted of my swag. She also gave me another box of unneeded hygienic supplies (pads). (I can’t win for losing, Oh well.) Wanting nothing else I hit the road again, next stop the hardship family I’d pass on my way home. The goods sorted I dropped them off two boxes saving one box of my choices before getting there. Finally I was on my way home. Trying to get rid of useful goods we didn’t have need for to those needing them I wound up only one box good and gone to the good. I had saved us some cereal, canned milk, and beans.
As far as I was concerned it was dinner time. I ate and itched to hit the road again even if it were only for two miles. I wanted to enjoy some shop time.
So help me I been trying to make more room in this house, I desperately wanted the three boxes clothes Frieda had said she’d sorted out for the church rummage give away (the clothes are offered free to those who either can’t afford what they need or chosen by those folks having needs). I only found one box. I’ll find the other two to haul away another day. On my way to the shop I drop that one box off to the elevator clerk on my way along.
Had an exciting afternoon. Spent most my time looking for and putting away my tools. Also found myself taking some of the Tall Ollie apart to try and take some sloop out of the right hand steering brake pedal. The brake shaft worn the most, unable to remove brake pedal shaft from Tall Ollie, possible only by removing tire, removing a loaded tire ain’t going to happen. I’m pondering, I may be able to have the brake pedal bored out for a new bushing, the bushing quick mettled to the shaft, I may have a workable solution.
Wood supply hold up well what I carried in yesterday I needed only to feed the ladies.
Another bright spot in my day’s living my farm life to the fullest, mine Frieda found the lost indoor/outdoor thermometer. Tonight it rests all in one small box. Outdoor sensor-transmitter, the receiver flat screen communicator, the antenna, and the screws to fasten the instruments on/in the house.
So, it has been a good day complete with Frieda finally over her cold and myself not needing anymore cough syrup. BGKC.


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