Thursday, February 25, 2010

Extra Med Day

I woke on my daily start button or the usual minute I take my meds. The woodstove’s blower was just stopping, hungrily needing more fuel. I needed my usual water chaser for meds, Della (kat) all over me physically and vocally, “I’m hungry! Feed’s me now!” in cat talk, “meow.”
Cat’s fed, as is stove, and water glass filled I sit, sort and take my rattlers at half past fast. I’ve also got a kink in my lower back bending to fix up the demanding cat. “OUCH!” it’s hurt calms down some sitting and sorting.
Frieda’s obviously feeling better, as if I may say The laundry trash has lessened and while she’s tried to not be the crab-ass I always.…err…..often depict her to be, her whole physical being is smiling more and more each hour each day since the operation.
Posting my urinal entry evening last I finally managed to do the dishes? Well! They are in the drain board basket. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah! So what if I were under the watchful eye of a supervising pine tree. If fit ain’t one-thing, it’s another demands on my time. That goof-us tree sat on the kitchen counter my whole time doing the dishes keeping an eye on me until it got its drink of water. Will there ever be an end to the demands made of my time? Photobucket I swear when the Spring thaw comes I’m going to get at the root that tree’s problem and partially bury it outside making its top side a living memorial the pleasure it has given Herr Clink and the intrusive bugging it has done me. (rah!)
Got to tell the ladies who’ve been reading me I’ve also done the same most of them also. I just haven’t made those appreciative comments so many of us look to see. Yeah, Yeah! I know if I quit wasting my time with a quadracycle I’d have more time for ALL the ladies. There are guys who worry more about the ladies they don’t live near and there are guys who totally enjoy restoring their big boy’s toy tractor. BUT, understand it’s my extra very normal man thing. That’s my story, and I am, read-me, I’m sticking to it! So there!
Rat now, I gotta get me a coffee………..
By golly, we smoothly got on the road this AM and Frieda delivered for her PT on time. Leaving her I went on to TSC for a big bag cat foot, and some pocking around the store. I think I found the universal joints I’ll use for quadracycle’s jack shaft, ½” x ½” universal socket drives (wrench).
Frieda’s knee retraining went well for her this morning. So well in fact she didn’t need my assistance getting up this afternoon. This is good news. She’ll soon be right so’s I may leave her alone more and more the extended times. Less than a month from now I’ll be going a-field preparing the fields for hay harvests and hay seedings. There’s also some talk about planting corn this season something we haven’t done since the 1998 accident.
On the lighter fun side of doing man things I’ve stripped down two bicycles for the quad’s ear frame members. Tomorrow I’d like to strip down two more bikes for the front halves the quada’s frame. Then there’ll be the bringing out a piece of plywood and blocking for laying out both side’s the first at length frame members.
Again I know I’ve forgotten some the things I did today. Up early this morning and doing the same again tomorrow Has gotten me and my senses worn out. Main thing, Frieda’s getting her strengths back. BGKC.

1 comment:

Paula said...

So glad to read Frieda is coming along nicely.