Friday, February 19, 2010

Another med day
Oh boy. Before we even get on the road Brother calls telling me buddy Tom had a severe heart attack last night. Damn, that smarts. I understand eight inches a main artery over the heart plugged. The bottom of his heart so scared up unable to move they’ve installed a pacemaker. Last I heard Tom Miller’s in ICU MCLAREN REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER (Hospital) Flint, Mi.. Join with all the good words we may muster to see Tom and his family through this crisis.
Still doing what I was doing 50-some years ago, I hate waking up crabby, but I had if we’re to arrive anywhere on time. As I had in the beginning waiting on her I’m involved in two dimensions. One, Offering her my arm, opening and closing doors for her. Two, She’s the only woman I know who’ll be late for her on funeral some sad day.
Left turn for quarter mile gravel road east for a primary county road north for primary state road headed west for Clio and late for her physical therapy. Not sure Ugly’s petrol situation must stop for fueling. This didn’t help our time either. Late She was taken in slightly off the scheduled time. Some places had been modified. Out of there it were motoring do East for Otisville and Doc’s office for her surgery follow up. Her BP and medication checked a blood draw didn’t work out. We were on the road again headed west on secondary county roads for Mt Morris and a blood lab. Three medical appearances made by the time we should have already been home I opted instead to stop by my favorite seamstress who’s a shop downtown Mt Morris for broken zipper advice. Holy smoke’ems, she fixed with me standing in my tux squirting a wee bit of oil on the zipper and worked that tang up and down until everything messed. The tux zipper fixed she refused payment in any amount or way. Have I mentioned those two dolls are a couple my favorites. By the time we returned home it were getting late afternoon/beginnings evening.
Walking my Lady into the house herself having spouted all she was going to do when we home. (hahahohohehe) I had moved on around about outdoors feeding cats what acted fully abused and half starved, I fed the appreciative ladies, Emptied my air tank into low tractor driver tire. Then I loaded that depleted tank, plus two each diesel and petrol cans on Ugly truck. This last activity my getting ready to work at some farm stuff done around about the farms while we’ve a couple pretty days left. Stepping into the house the dynamo had given out on me. I found her sleeping as I was getting into my laundry, then started tonight’s supper we’ll get to eat tomorrow for either lunch or supper by then. I did a couple dishes and, and sat down to play with these words.
It’s later now. I've driven her, delivered her, fed her, and waited for her. Her Mostess has had her evening shot, her knee freshly dressed, and gone to bed. Now left to my own devices and saddle sores. BGKC.

1 comment:

Paula said...

Awww Fernan you're a good hubby. Bet when this is all over she won't ever hit you with the frying pan again.