Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Un titled busy

So much to cover. Same neighbor family took Frieda in for physical therapy. Dropping her off my driver (Tom) took me over to TSC. There I purchased to things. One of them another ½” combination wrench. I don’t seem to have enough of them. Doesn’t help misplacing my wrenches either. The more important item I (more importantly, Frieda) went for the need of when I couldn’t find a clean pair was some new bibs. When I wasn’t sure my size asking a clerk for some help he certainly did bring out a 100’ tape measurer. His putting around my waist I was measured a comfortable 50”. Holy smokem’s! 50”, why I only had a sloppy circumference of 34” in my twenty’s. My lawd, what has become of the detergents and hot air clothes driers I should need pants another 2’ wider. Hitting the right day with the right idea they were on sale. And, it was no wonder they were so cheap. Why I didn’t even get a tent pole nor hold down stakes.
Next stop while the therapists were tiring Frieda out I went by a delicatessen for a Her Mostess’s demand for a corned beef and cabbage dinner. The best I could do was a couple soups. And then for the prices I paid for’em Frieda had better like her’s. And the same goes for the expense of a couple grapefruits near priced right off this planet. While I was getting a purchased myself another bag of oranges for my late night snakes.
Getting back to the therapists I was informed Friday would be Frieda’s last day. Now I wanted to know with her last day’s completion would she be capable of kicking my arse? The personal laughed. That’s right, they laughed while, while trying to explain Friday’s her last day if they didn’t receive a Doctor prescribed extension. I guess their comments were the tip off they’re willingness to get her kicking higher including some easier knee bending so’s she could a good wind up flexing her knee for a more brutal punishing attention getting kicked arse punishment.
While I waited earlier for our limousine, I had picked and restacked all the dead wood that had frozen down under the winter’s woodpile. It should be Spring ready dried for burning in a couple weeks. Reminds me I better cover that wood pile so as it dry’s it stays dry.
This was Mornings end.
This is my afternoon’s beginning.
Lunch out of the way I headed for “Handy’s. Firing up the Case 1816 Skidsteer I commenced to continue back filling the solid piped end the trench. The project looking fairly good for the moments finish, I was about to start moving more stone for the leach field the skidsteer run out of fuel. Skunked! Tomorrow’s fueling day also need baking soda and distilled water for the battery’s servicing. Might as well make a fueling day out of it. The JD loader tractor also needs fuel.
Getting home doing chores the trees west of me tickling the Sun’s belly making it smile one more bright red set. My day out had come to an end. Slipping over to Mike’s he had my quadrabike’s two sides tacked together. Darn it! I forgot to take a picture. Oh well, I’ve got to get the cranks out, cleaned up, and readied for welding’s finish.
This is it for another varietied Shorthorn country day. BGKC

1 comment:

Donna. W said...

I love TSC. I wish we didn't have to drive to Kansas City to get to one.