Friday, November 19, 2010

Snow, What Snow

Snow, what snow, I see no snow! A neighbor lady, mentioning no names reporting snow. My nearest encounter with snow was the hard nosed frozen mini icy snow balls or they’s icy mini snowballs. They was a nosey undeveloped calamity beating a presence upon Greene’s windshield and body tin as I move it around the yard emptying leftover supplements, and holiday grub. One benefit to arise out of the real fluffy stuff’s arrival cools down to I had better be clearing all these trucks beds clear of misc. odds and ends mostly (really) unneeded leaving the boxes empty to carry real loads in/out and upon them. This going for outside the house. Inside its another story.
My innocently asking my tripping upon a mounting pile of laundry, Herr Clink hit me with a crabby dissertation in a flurry of quickly spoken words, some of them she didn‘t have anything in it she needed.. Okay, I opened a door stepped over the over flowing laundry basket, dragged it through that open door into the stair well leading down and down into the dungeons where in mechanical slaves were pressed into a washing’s start the first half that grown pile. Reminds me, I’d better be going down their again check progress the first half forced ho air dried, the second half put to the agitated scrubbing.
Crab ass, telling me she making some changes around here. Uh ugh! Sure! I’m appreciating the extra time kicking my heals up after one my busy outdoor days? ‘Specially not figuring how I’ll fit in sums domestic duties with all my other response abilities? What’ll any body bet me I get to stuff the turkey again this year? I see some near ruined carrots in the ice box and the red pepper I brought home for stuffing’s color.
This turkey only ten pounds How do I make stove top stuffing that’ll taste just as liking the same?
Weather’s definitely cooling off out there. I gots the feeling I’ll be wearing a tux thru the seasons from here on out close to Spring. (brrr) I like Winter.
I’m not sure I’d found our mail particularly friendly today?
My mind is filled with questions and anxiety. Doc has made an polycythemia something or other appointment with some cancer institute for my Froieda. Maybe I’ve got something to worry about, maybe not? The appointment is for almost four weeks away and I’ve uneasy questions cursing my mind? Whatever this is it has something to do the an over production red blood cells. Which in turn is something that has something to do with bone marrow?
Outside before I had seen or even had dreamed what was it I’d have found in the mailbox I had put in two stints up at the barn, one this morning, the other this afternoon. Up and down two ladders one of them shifted between both sides the same wall undoing barn door track one bolt at a time two per hanger a hanger every to feet. I had quit a half hour short of noon my knees paining me. Not just the left one I’ve become accustomed to, but the right knee also, likely in sympathy for the left one. Facing facts it could be my knees had been bent for and aft perhaps as many times as allowed in one lifetime. Still for all that I really like doing around here I’ve got to wait upon the good while take a bit the bad with the this project.
Between my headaches and all the pains in the varied joints in my carcass the weather’s about to change for the worse. I wish I’d have four or five more open days then by gumbo let it snow, let it snow me a whole foot of the lovely stuff to blanket the earth keeping the soil under it warm until next Spring when the sun will again cross over the equator. Of course a little freezing the ground right behind my barn could be quite handy allowing me to walk a-top the mud for some outside barn back doors and wall repairs.

1 comment:

Paula said...

Good luck to Frieda. I have a problem with bone marrow too but mine is very low blood platelets and low white cells.