Monday, November 22, 2010

Want proof….

….I ain’t right as Loopy suggests. IT IS raining here this morning. So much to do as always I’m delighted. Hang the mud that will ooze up of the soaked earth. I‘m ready to accept I. A body has got to have some rest every now’n’then. I happen to be just one of them body’s.
I was going to taken\ a few moments he’re and post some pics I’ve taken some of these last days what I’ve seen involved some the going on’s. BALDERDASH! It seems Photobucket is making some changes and my copy isn’t working. I guess we’ll be waiting a spell before seeing them. Fooey!
Thunder storms with rain showers here all day. Left limb bothering me was no day in any way, shape, manner or form for my climbing any ladder. Spent my busy time in the shop today staying dry. Poked around on Haulster, found the broken ignition wire needing fix. Put a gallon gas in the fuel tank, found fuel pump’s working and fuel filter leaking.
Got into trimming back some expired gate handles, put them in a bucket to go home. Was well after dark and I had fixed half them good as new to do their gate handling thing once more. Darned if I didn’t forget to work on Azzkicker. One good efforts push and I might have finished it. Lawd knows I might have had more than enough time. Damn, that’s what happens when a project gets pushed to far back out of the way and something else set down in front of it.
Maybe next time I’ll finish something. There’re the other half the gate handle rejuvenations to finish. There’s a wire needing a fix and a couple gasoline hose clamps needed and I may just hear the Haulster run. When I hear that Haulster’s engine run then we can get into battery relocation, some suspension modifications for rural ground clearance, floor repairs, bumpers and a full body restoration.
Meanwhile, A yawn has it……zzzzzzzz

1 comment:

Paula said...

Have a good night.