Saturday, November 19, 2011

My day fell apart

I had to grind feed today. It seems the troops needed it yesterday only they had neglected to tell me the day before yesterday. Nobody any to anxious to help me. I took my time doing it all alone. So that job consumed most my energy. Cleaned Dumpy’s box off’r’out depending how its looked at While it was empty I took Dumpy looking for some fill dirt to dump in a water walked out hole in front one the yard’s fountains. Did little good. Those mine operator guys were roughly about a mile from home and pit combining corn. Fighting off the disappointment my unwillingness to abide by an ordered command to cut wood today, I did minimally settle in’r’down in front of the barn with a wrong sized chainsaw file and went at it sharpening my chainsaw regardless. That done perhaps I’ll get into wood cutting Monday or even Tuesday.
Tomorrow, while Fillip has the day off I want his help hoisting the power plant out of Ol’Blue, period! I can cut wood by myself in the snow even this winter.

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