Monday, February 13, 2012

1st work day….

…as I’ve basically taken 2 off (Sat.‘n‘Sun.). There’ll be no more serious bending, stooping, nor any heavy lifting for the next few days. I’m gonna baby my back for a few more days. I’m afraid there’ll be some big differences between what I want to do, dumb wishing, and acturally get done.
Okay so much for Monday morning dribble. Now, how about some weekend catching up dribble. Saturday: Ugly refused to start, starter had frozen. Got my Oil-House corners bent. Sunday: Ugly rolled over after the starter thawed on it’s own. I uncovered the wood pile and put a good sized stack firewood on deck. Fillip carried it in. And that’s about it!
Here's a couple pics at last:
A snap of Fillip screwing some self-tapping rubber washer headed screws into the last couple pieces tin.
The little Oil-House is coming along nicely. While the building still needs a door I’ll build. We’ve already started making shelves inside the structure. A-side from the use of a standard barn-door latch and “T” hinges, I’ve already had thoughts on how to fashion an automatic opened door stop to work against any might be breezes to surprisingly close the door upon an unsuspecting occupant.
Okay, so much for these last 2 day’s, until I can come up wit somethin' better. Mon-yanna….

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