Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Month’s almost over

“Twas another one of them every other one’s. The day for feeding my ladies one them full wrapped green fresh hay bales again for today and three more (to make one equivalent) for tomorrow’s dinning pleasure’s.
This’s what the feeding last scene looks like. In the for-ground an unguarded hay bale. There are three of them today. Way out yonder may e seen some nuisance boxes dear old Brother dumped out there for me to tend to getting rid of. Ass! Of the the left sitting several neatly put together doubled stuffed hay wrap filled boxes made use out of the mess DA Bro’ had thoughtfully dumped on me. (haha) those boxes have become my means of handling the extricated bale wrapping trash. (hoho) I had never had a thought his thoughtlessness could ever had been a benefit to me my further flung barnyard labors.
Okay now onto the good stuff….
In a hurry to get out of here early for moving some far away hay into our yards was the 1st of today’s tasks gone awry. It was lunch time before we had gotten all the ladies and girls up and down this road fed. Then were were 2 1/2hrs loading the dairy hay-yard hay onto our wagon. Worst part of that scene was my getting a skid-steer stuck on top the wet clay just under the machine’s wheels. Had to use a snatch nylon strap move that troublesome loader over the ground out of a couple wet depressions.
Hay hauled home, having used a battery checking meter we found the Ollie battery under the Ollie deck bad. It figures! If anything’s going to go wrong, it surely will. Nut’s It couldn’t have been the easy battery exchange in front of the console.
Always a slow thinker from little up, I haven’t changed any during the intervening years. I’m still slow, only older. Okay I bought 2 truck batteries yesterday I’ve 2nd thought I don’t want put in this Ollie. So, only one battery bad (for now) I’d decided to purchase a replacement for the ill-one at the same place I had bought the 1st two yesterday. I hit the road. I had less than an hour to get there. Six miles from I blew the left front Ugly-truck’s tire. I car-umbra, what a mind blowing panic stricken ride I was hanging onto, near crapping my pants that ride that had instantly turned into. Ugly careened left into on-coming traffic, my pulling it back to my side the road with all the speed and deft hands I could muster. Meanwhile on-coming traffic doing a damned good job defensively driving swung wide their side of the road. Moments later truck slowed, under control I negotiated a left turn into the first open driveway I could negotiate without rolling Ugly over. It was no use stopping on the roadway to become an additional road traffic hazard changing that blown tire.
Stopped, out and the damage surveyed I call Fillip for back-up. I had left him home for wagon unloading and housework. He in-turn called Bro’ To transport himself, another tire and jack. I went to work working the lug-nuts off while I waited.
When that tire blew it also took some of Ugly’s fender with it.
To late to continue short journey, returning home I had seen where I left tire and rim tracks on the pavement. They weren’t a pretty site for a reminder as to what might have been a worse happening. Sheesh! One never knows, and in this case, how close. Okay, tomorrow’s another day…..

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