Thursday, February 16, 2012

2-15-2012 “What will be….

First off I had to grind today. Whoopppeee! That was handled easily enough before lunch. Lunch not-quite finished Bro’ calls. He’s bringing me a load of green wrapped hay. Needs to be unloaded. “Hang around.” Meanwhile I fed the ladies here and the girls just down the road.
The well wrapped hay unloaded:
Better late than never we made it to the shop. Not enough time to drag out the Oil House tools Fillip and I worked at picking up tools, and generally putting all manner of clutter away, attempting the clean up the shop. We keep this up we may just have room to bring in the Greeny truck and the 4010 JD side by side.
Hey, hey, hey!!! The very top my stacked tool boxes cleared of clutter and otherwise lost sockets, drives, and ratchets; I wondered where all the incidental trash had come from.
Best part of afternoon was, with Keith’s help, seeing my mechanic’s tool storage facility reconfigured with the additional set of drawers placed into a serviceable arrangement with the other three pieces. Next time I get around to cleaning out the conglomeration of useless junk I may just gain at least a couple more (maybe even three more) useful drawers for actually used wrenches (per say).
Worst part of the early evening, on our way’s home, stopping by Handy’s home (he’d died just this last fall leaving one 14 yr old son and his mother behind) his mother had passed away 25 minutes before we’d stopped there. The nice lady that she was I’m guessing was aged 88yrs. Her grandson has been directed by his aunt he’ll be living with her. This kid has had a very upsetting year. It’s quite understandable he’s beside himself. May I say I pray his mother never gets him. He’s enough problems as it is to have to endure her sleazy degenerate minded influence.
Lucky me. Tomorrow’s going to be another busted up medical appointment’s day. For rat now it’s to late, I’m too tired, I’m calling it another day in Sunny Shorthorn country (well, at least for today). The rest of this written line I’ve got to say it for now, “Good night.”

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