Monday, April 30, 2012
Same-o, same-o
Spent the last couple days clear some damnable multi-floral roses from along side a fence line. That was right up until the Ford loader-hoe’s front tire sprung an air leak. That was about 4:00PM. Which was alright as I had come close enough to hitting my wall. All I’d wanted the last couple night was all the ice-cold packs I could back my spine against both evenings. Then it was early to bed. I surely must have worn myself thin those couple days as I slept 12hrs each nights. Between deforesting, sleeping, and mid-wifing….. I haven’t felt like bellying up to my key board. On top that the ‘putor isn’t working right, I haven’t done anything about replacing my cell phone, I ain’t had my picture taken for the book. I’ve been so exhausted these few days I haven’t even dreamed up any more mischief or methods to put my projects together. And, I haven’t yet mentioned the plaguing absentmindedness following me around like some of my backaches. Humbug!
Welp, the tire’s fixed, and it’s raining again. As much as I’d like a couple more pretty days to clear that fence line and hot wire it, we desperately need the rain. While we aren’t burning up, we’re close to it.
…..yesterday’s noon birth.
Friday, April 27, 2012
It was a far far-better day I enjoyed today. All them ice packs I had laid my spine on yesterday and that afternoon nap had near made me right again. Fillip and I surely frightened some forestry work our starting to clear a fence line of some tangled messes of multi-floral-roses and several smaller dead ash trees out back. Here’s hoping we can get it done in a couple working days.
This about covering for all day. Additionally there were no new calves born today. The morning starting out freezing by afternoon the clear skies letting the Sun shine on us we were cheerfully warmed. Best part of all the three day of icy winds had subsided. Couldn’t have asked for a better day.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Pain’s dessert’s
Yesterday’s afternoon pains following me home, I hadn’t out runnin’ waking this morning. Dressed I ran the gambit with Juan. Was touch going the whole distance packing and using two cans this AM for support. Hurting so bad my mind is purely boggled. Additionally got the shakes so bad only think I could think of was getting Chiropractic care. Punchig in the numbers on the cell phone what I had. It seems today’s their day’s off. Next best action I could think of once home getting was putting my backside against some ice. Then looking for a pain pile of any kind the first one I come across to was a Doc prescribed barbiturate which he forbad me to take the next time I saw him. Naughty naughty-me, I took one anyway. Lawd help me, I’m hurting. I needed it! Meanwhile, in my misery to find relief, Frieda suggested, “Lie down leaving one of them things alone!” I didn’t listen. I had taken it and as none typically as might be imagined feeling further out of the ordinary I was looking forward to lying down anyway. This I was readying to do as I had decided to wait until after I had my lunch, whatever it was going to be.
The heats up….at least once everyday. On waking from my afternoon’s pain escaping nap the woodstove is happily bouncing up’n’down like a new born infant. Which in turn reminds me I need to get outside and see (check) the calves.
Weather over all has been freezing nights moisture of any real kind poor free. The earth’s temperature’s still below 54* a planted seed’s germination/survival/growing temperatures. Golly whiz, we can sure use some rain and decently warming weather to spur our hay fields and pastures growth on.
Was going to work on some pasturing fences today. Thus far all I’ve managed fencing wise was a couple weak-kneed sorry I had done anything thoughts. No dreaming, no nothing!
For the last 4days I’ve been repeatedly asking Herr Clink the whereabouts my brown duct bib-overalls. Low and behold they turned up from right where her Ladyship had stashed them. Now if we may only have a couple nice days we’ll have a photo shot for my book’s jacket cover.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Where’ll I Start
First thing out the door I god a wild turkey. Second thing, checking the ladies, no new calves. Third thing I tried skinning the turkey. Admittedly with enough help all was finished in time for lunch.
Eatened, we took Tom’s mower to shop. Replaced Work Horse plugs. Worked on yonder fences until we’d run out-a wire.
Along about 4:00PM my back sorer than a boil I had to call it quits our getting in at about 6:00. I had to lay down a spell to escape the pain, and slept for and hour’n’a-half. Woke up feeling the better.
No new calves here today. Bro’s calf crop doubled today. He’s two calves now. (smile)
All in all, a bright sunny skied day for a supposedly forecasted rain soaker.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Press photo shoot…..
….has been postponed another day.
Sheesh! I stepped outside this AM into an icy North by Northwest breeze. Leaving the deck or the ramp that breeze turned to bone chilling wind I returned to the confort and security of my home for a hat with ear flaps. I ain‘t going out in these cod ice cycled elements for no book nor publicity shot in a more proper Summer wardrobe in the bottoming cold temperatures. (Brrrr) It’s cold here. Only thing missing is snow. And the Pantsailvainiand’s and Nude Yerkers sucked over, grabbed down over them, all that last seasonal snow. There ought-a-be a law!
Having been outside meeting the elements head on, I find some difficulty in making up what’s left of my mind as what I want to do with my day. Wood cut into blocks waiting splitting I’m thinking can wait. I don’t trust either the winds nor the trees those wood chunks lie under not to blow down (or over) on us? It comes to chain sawing some timber, again I don’t trust these winds not to blow something down on us. And these winds could (would) fill out eyes with blown sawdust.
The clear skied Sun may look warm and inviting, but from what I’ve seen and felt outside this morning it is not a friendly element out there.
Could load up and take the Krapsman lawn tractor to the shop for servicing. Especially since at last season’s discovering three handily hidden zerk grease fittings on the underside of the mower deck. Hardest part the machine’s fully serviced adventure was my pouring 90weigh oil into the idée bitty hole I had to take a driver wheel off to get to. The hole was so small I’m sure somewhere upon our planet a smaller funnel does exist. As it was I poured into the transmission assembly all of ¾’s a pint 90weight oil at less than a table sppon full at a time.
Outside in the ladies freshened pasture our count was 4 more calves born today. What a day for new life’s onto this Earth. It was as if overtime one of us turned around we had another brand new life what had joined us. What sights pleasured our eyes especially one dazzling white calf.
This evening getting was around about¼ 0f 7:00PM. I was exhausted, but pleased with a modestly successful day. I’ll sleep well tonight.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Unrelenting winds here all day. Weather forecaster predicting even higher winds tomorrow.
We worked the fences up around the front here. Fixed a number of problems, insulators, a couple broken wires. There’s even an exceptionally slightest chance of snow?
Fixing these fences were enough for us. Donning Winter wear to stand against the cold wind blasts chickened us to putting a few hours with in the shop’s shielding walls.
All the tractors meeting in the shop a few days ago are all back on line, even the little Work Horse lawn tractor. Fully greased, fluids topped off, still needing one new spark-plug. (It’s on my new shopping expedition want list.) It’s almost there. Gosh all Monday’s memory games I remembered to clean 2 1/2sets of spark-plugs for the 4020JD. Why, I had even remembered to mix some salt for the water holes. Three are taken care of, one more to go tomorrow. The ladies have been given the near west side pasture. It should keep them busy for the next four days at least. Calves are growing like weeds and celbrating their new lives are busy running in circles around their mothers just a high tailing it like they do.
Just getting start out the driveway five deer crossed the road near in front of us. Shortly later heard a gun shot suggesting somebody’s trying to put some venison on his table. Now, if I can only remember to give Bro’ his 2012 tractor calendar before it expires?
Sunday, April 22, 2012
pooped out
The Morning had a nice start. Looking out I saw plenty of sunshine. Walking to the barn I fed the cats and eye-balled the ladies. 1 calf short the count the Cushman and I went for a drive. Fillip coming out while I was counting to 3 Fillip was making some strange irregular hand signs. Joining him the calf count was to come out right plus 1 more new born calf. By noon or shortly there after another calf was born down in the hollow. Still a-waiting additional calf births to join the single calf at Bro’s.
As far as mechanizing, Fillip had later assured me we’d gotten a lot done. Regardless how much we’d actually gotten done I was savagely thrown against my wall before 2:00PM. I felt as if I were coming apart physically, mentally, emotionally; it was time to go home. The little Ford fully serviced was ready to roll. The baler serviced was handily parked outside. The Work Horse tractor bathed and dried was center shop floor parked for service. Everything picked up, packed up, locked up, I was ready to roll the Cushman, Fillip the little Ford. At home the back blade we put on the repaired 3pt hitch.
Once inside the house I totally relaxed, sitting a few moments, dinner prepared I ate. After lunch attempting to put my barnyard tux on I was blessed with an excruciating pain in my left hip socket. I backed off my intentions. Thought about it for a moment, continuing to feel a bit out of it; so, I laid down and slept for an 1½hr. Upon waking it was getting to late to run the road to get a whole lot done. In-stead we rode the fence lines out back for windfall notations. None were found. Even as I write this I’ve still got the shakes.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Nuts, I dropped my cell phone this morning and then stepped upon it, killing it. For better or worse I enjoyed the quiet freedom of a near dead cell phone.
Getting in at ¼ 0f 7:00 this evening I’m near wishing I had been hit, knocked down, and run over by a big-a truck so I could pretend I’m feeling s good as I am!!
I think I as involved in 6 projects today. (1) Did everything necessary to grind feed. I’ve explained this routine before. (2) Using the 4010JD we brought the 445 Vermeer baler out into the light of day. (3) On the small implement trailer we loaded the old Work Horse lawn tractor. Having set in the barn for 2 Winters started rather easily. (4) Was called away from lunch for over 2hrs to find short and fix fence. (5) After lunch we put the lil’ Ford 3pt together with the new home made part. (6) Fillip and I fixed some more fences what didn’t need all that much fixing today. (Lastly) We came home. I did the chores. Fillip found-lost-n-found another ignition switch mounting nut. And he tried to blame the loss of this 2nd nut upon Sweetheart the cat. (the nerve!)
Friday, April 20, 2012
Rain promised
Woke to look out and see we’d some sprinkles. Looked about to check on the ladies. Fed the cats. Jumped the Ford loader-hoe battery directly to starter and it was ready to go.
On the road we added the Ford to the other broken down tractors making 4 of them setting in’n’out of the shop. 2 of them fixed this morning we brought the WD45 home. Taken out and parked the 4010’s ready to work. The little ford merely needs the 3pt reassembled. Hoe-digger needs the ignition switch nut (not mentioning any names) Fillip dropped in the grass out here. (&^%)*(*^(*$# )
I happily tinkered with my 445 Vermeer hay baler lights switches, and have made ready to the tractor end of the magnetic mount switch and pigtail assembly ready to go. I’ll finish that project up in a couple days. Having to grind tomorrow, having to bring the grinder-mixer out it’ll be that Spring day the Workhorse tractor and the 445 hay baler will see another Summer season’s plenty of daylight.
As far as the day went starting out damp, afternoon turning solidly rained away, it’d been another beautiful day blessed with liquid sunshine. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
4-18-2012 Dumb Day
So I had to make the trip into Otisville for my latest new med. Not to waste the trip I hit all the same stores I had shopped a couple days ago for more those same and different parts for my inventions. Getting back home the silly phone kept me busy answering it. Darned nuisance if you ask me! Doctors ganging up on me insisting I do this, take that; I’m wondering if’en this ordeal ain’t a racket involvement here and I‘m the patsy? I had to call my last specialist to fax my latest physical therapy script to my therapist.
When I did get around to doing something useful I had put Sneak set about to drain the holed Ugly truck gas tank. Ha ha, it had run out of gas on it’s own before he got to siphoning it. Hoho! Fillip busy, or attempting to be, I put the WD45’s repacked bearings, wheel and tire back on. Fillip changed the engine’s oil and I all but completed the total servicing the whole tractor. We’re out of some required #68 (20 grade) hydraulic oil. Hope I’ve some at home.
Tom out and about (slowly healing his last Fall’s heart surgery) set down to the welding table making welds on a new HM* 3pt Ford row crop tractor part. The part no longer available from NOS* nor even aftermarket. Tom even drilled and primed it. Whilst he was at it he even welded some experimental parts together for me. Those pieces re-cleaned I painted them myself. All said and done I’ve enough to look forward to too keep me busy tomorrow.
*HM….home made.
*NOS….new old stock.
When I did get around to doing something useful I had put Sneak set about to drain the holed Ugly truck gas tank. Ha ha, it had run out of gas on it’s own before he got to siphoning it. Hoho! Fillip busy, or attempting to be, I put the WD45’s repacked bearings, wheel and tire back on. Fillip changed the engine’s oil and I all but completed the total servicing the whole tractor. We’re out of some required #68 (20 grade) hydraulic oil. Hope I’ve some at home.
Tom out and about (slowly healing his last Fall’s heart surgery) set down to the welding table making welds on a new HM* 3pt Ford row crop tractor part. The part no longer available from NOS* nor even aftermarket. Tom even drilled and primed it. Whilst he was at it he even welded some experimental parts together for me. Those pieces re-cleaned I painted them myself. All said and done I’ve enough to look forward to too keep me busy tomorrow.
*HM….home made.
*NOS….new old stock.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Ya‘d-never guess I’s been busy
Juan came by for one of our coupon shopping trips. Goen and comen we made the whole round trip in an 1½ hr. Then it was the shop’s toy box play time. This was my 1st half the morning.
Can’t prove nothen; worse, got nothen to show for my whole day. Yet tinkered some with an idea’r’two had me driven over to the crossroads for some hardware store parts. Got what I could.
Temporarily gave up on WD45 my deciding while it’s out of action might aught to change the oil. So then needed oil filter, and some fibered bearing packing grease.
Will get in some more than just parts moseying, say, when I’m over to the Otisville tomorrow where I have to pick up another prescription. That about covers my accomplishments.
Tried starting Ford loader-hoe. Didn’t start. Didn’t whole heartedly expect it to. Having checked and double checked the wiring I suspect the ignition switch is shot. (gr-rap)
Thus we could not bury the preemie calf. Best I could do was put the calf’s body in a low spot and temporarily covered it with a 4020JD’s scoop full dirt.
Oh yeah, near forgot four in coming phone calls, maybe five, from my publisher today. Seems next step is my receiving a rough draft, what printed the manuscript will look like includen the artwork, my picture, credits and testimonials.
Got in 7:30 PM. So durn late Fillip conjured up a pizza followed with brownies. Not bad for a quick tasty repast.
Can’t prove nothen; worse, got nothen to show for my whole day. Yet tinkered some with an idea’r’two had me driven over to the crossroads for some hardware store parts. Got what I could.
Temporarily gave up on WD45 my deciding while it’s out of action might aught to change the oil. So then needed oil filter, and some fibered bearing packing grease.
Will get in some more than just parts moseying, say, when I’m over to the Otisville tomorrow where I have to pick up another prescription. That about covers my accomplishments.
Tried starting Ford loader-hoe. Didn’t start. Didn’t whole heartedly expect it to. Having checked and double checked the wiring I suspect the ignition switch is shot. (gr-rap)
Thus we could not bury the preemie calf. Best I could do was put the calf’s body in a low spot and temporarily covered it with a 4020JD’s scoop full dirt.
Oh yeah, near forgot four in coming phone calls, maybe five, from my publisher today. Seems next step is my receiving a rough draft, what printed the manuscript will look like includen the artwork, my picture, credits and testimonials.
Got in 7:30 PM. So durn late Fillip conjured up a pizza followed with brownies. Not bad for a quick tasty repast.
Monday, April 16, 2012
And, then….
….shortly after the sun had set, evening’s last I had writ this entry and posted it, had had supper, and had laid it out on the couch; a short while later Stats (cat) come by me with a mouse. Goofy cat sure to get our attention and praise commenced to play with his catch the mouse getting away. Goofus cat tried looking under’n’around our to short to floor tightly compact gathered to close together furniture finally giving up. A few minutes later he was either back with another moue or the same first one. That mouse also got away.
That darn cat! This household’s economy deeply suffering, I wish Stats would eat his food instead of playing with it. Doofus cat anyway!
About 10 til 6:00AM we (I) listened to a lot of rolling thunders. Sure had gotten noisy upstairs. Then followed we (I) enjoyed a lightening show coming in most the windows. Rain ‘fore last night’s rain contribution measured ½ way up to my first knuckle I figure we had a half inch the good stuff. It’s sprinkling rat now, and on less it gets with how’s a person measure the depth of one rain drop?
Out and out early I’ve been around the block hauling in another load of shelled corn. Then broke for coffee. Then checking the ladies found to new calves had been born over night one of them failing to make it. (nuts) All I got to do is look them all over again to find the common loss denominator.
Then I tried to make me up an early lunch so I could put in a couple hours shop time before having to keep another karsarned medical appointment. Darned if I ain’t a bit worried about this one. Looking up the meaning’s all the words used boiled down to some serious social diseases. What the? Any way, lunch eatened I was out of here.
What tempting tinkering’s I managed to get into, I’ll relate later. Here’s looking at the afternoon.
Settling lightly into the shop I prepared some more parts for combing welds. Looked at my engineering quadra-cycle jackshaft and passed even thought dwelling upon it.
Winds gusting 40mph plus I figured I’d better ride some fences. Found a limb down, a wire down, an insulator missing, and a broken wire gate latch. Just into fixing the last here come Bro’ to see to it I kept my medical appointment. From what I learned I’m still not a happy camper. However, my dreads were unfounded. No social issues unless it’s my habitual habit talking to much. Bottom line while, I’m objecting to physical therapy and another drug, I‘ll be giving in.
While I was snoozing away my afternoon waiting room time, Bro’ went off shopping for WD45 front spindle seal. I got it too saving 75% on the purchase price picking it up from Steiner’s Antique Tractor Parts just around the corner (so to speak).
Getting back I finish fence fix while it was still on my mind not yet forgotten. Then I motored on home to find some A-who thoughtlessly parked an ATV right in front my Cushman barn door. I unhappily shinnied the Cushman inside to prove, I guess, I can still shinny.
While I was doing my varied thing’s (activities) throughout my day, Fillip stayed home supposedly doing housework: dishes, floor scrubbing (what he didn’t get to), but he did delve into some sharp smelling cooken…
Supper was good and I’m seriously looking towards bed and sleep….zzzzzzzzz
That darn cat! This household’s economy deeply suffering, I wish Stats would eat his food instead of playing with it. Doofus cat anyway!
About 10 til 6:00AM we (I) listened to a lot of rolling thunders. Sure had gotten noisy upstairs. Then followed we (I) enjoyed a lightening show coming in most the windows. Rain ‘fore last night’s rain contribution measured ½ way up to my first knuckle I figure we had a half inch the good stuff. It’s sprinkling rat now, and on less it gets with how’s a person measure the depth of one rain drop?
Out and out early I’ve been around the block hauling in another load of shelled corn. Then broke for coffee. Then checking the ladies found to new calves had been born over night one of them failing to make it. (nuts) All I got to do is look them all over again to find the common loss denominator.
Then I tried to make me up an early lunch so I could put in a couple hours shop time before having to keep another karsarned medical appointment. Darned if I ain’t a bit worried about this one. Looking up the meaning’s all the words used boiled down to some serious social diseases. What the? Any way, lunch eatened I was out of here.
What tempting tinkering’s I managed to get into, I’ll relate later. Here’s looking at the afternoon.
Settling lightly into the shop I prepared some more parts for combing welds. Looked at my engineering quadra-cycle jackshaft and passed even thought dwelling upon it.
Winds gusting 40mph plus I figured I’d better ride some fences. Found a limb down, a wire down, an insulator missing, and a broken wire gate latch. Just into fixing the last here come Bro’ to see to it I kept my medical appointment. From what I learned I’m still not a happy camper. However, my dreads were unfounded. No social issues unless it’s my habitual habit talking to much. Bottom line while, I’m objecting to physical therapy and another drug, I‘ll be giving in.
While I was snoozing away my afternoon waiting room time, Bro’ went off shopping for WD45 front spindle seal. I got it too saving 75% on the purchase price picking it up from Steiner’s Antique Tractor Parts just around the corner (so to speak).
Getting back I finish fence fix while it was still on my mind not yet forgotten. Then I motored on home to find some A-who thoughtlessly parked an ATV right in front my Cushman barn door. I unhappily shinnied the Cushman inside to prove, I guess, I can still shinny.
While I was doing my varied thing’s (activities) throughout my day, Fillip stayed home supposedly doing housework: dishes, floor scrubbing (what he didn’t get to), but he did delve into some sharp smelling cooken…
Supper was good and I’m seriously looking towards bed and sleep….zzzzzzzzz
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Rainy Day Sunday
Leaping Pollywogs, it’s a rainy Sunday Morning. Haven’t had one these in some time. ‘Twas only moments after hearing the rain dripping of the eves did I my mind start to drift towards some thoughts of serious tinkering. Taking a chance at repeating myself. Looking out the door I’d resurrected thoughts of Herr Klink’s window screen, tractor mirrors, tractor bike racks. Why, I even had some foreign thoughts maybe woiking on quadra-cycle parts, a fat chance wish. Ho Hum.
Now back to reality, other than three rather quickly taken care of tink’s, I really need to woik on the replacement engine for the Greene truck. Short of boocoo bunches of buck’s I could just as well let that project slide, for even one or two days, today one of them.
(this part up until here was morning written.)
My honest Injun plan was to ht the farm shop early on and happily tinker this damp ½” received rain’s continued weathering start. Well, that was the plan, but 1st I (we) had to check the ladies for any late breaking labored developments. No soap (no calves). All was quiet on our astern front.
Driving out back a short trip prolonged closing upon the 1st barnyard gate we spied some rather interesting activities.
Way out yonder, there strutted a Tom turkey his feathered tail spread out like a gigantic stage show back drop, his wings swung wide liking he was imitating a much bigger muscular turkey image. I took an extra long look at this old bird somewhat reminding of another soul I believe I’ve caught sight of in passing a mirror somewhere around here. Had a near full head of gray upon his head giving away his age. And, what we ultimate doing when he had won one of seven ladies heart’s, I can’t describe without going into biblical terms. I felt so voyeuringly naughty I just had to smile in spite of myself.
During all these goings on’s I celled Terry across the street trying to tell him of our spied sights. Two recorded messages later I had made, then continuing our drive way out back to get rid of some yucky substances. That taken care of when we had turned around and headed for home we seen Terry walking the road way out front ahead of us. It seems after he had listened to my messages he’d come out with his camera in high hopes of recoding some of our spied action, only to late to join us. However as he was progressing in our direction thinking he was seeing some bicyclists coming down the road before he had realized his actually seeing 6 deer mistake and his camera un-readied they had turn towards our fence all of them jumping it into out pasture with our ladies. Dumb founded he had to hear of what we’d seen and tell us his astonishing tale.
Hell of a morning for wild life, Fillip and I uselessly admonished a whole bunch of red winged black birds looking as if they were about to nest it wrong again this year middle hay field nesting instead of the perimeters‘. Dumb birds.
Will we gummed our witnessing’s a couple geese got into it behind us going at each other (our facing the road) Terry getting a snap of that. Ho boy could them honkers get it on. I don’t know if they was disputing territory or mates. They were yet something else to see. We weren’t through yet. Sitting there on my lazy can, just a taking a look to my right at the right moment those same deer Terry had missed a camera shot at, they were crossing the road to the west of us taking turns checking out a neighbor’s mail box.
Sheesh. I know the USPS is trying to cut expenses; but, putting the Governors wildlife to work doing postal inspections? This has got to be a new low!
Upon getting to shop I’ve finally gotten Frieda’s window screen fixed. I managed to make up some parts I wanted welded together for my first magnetic fender mounted rearview mirror. We had taken of and replaced one WWD45 tie rod. Found a bearing loose now need a new seal to finish re-assembling the WD45. Looked at some Quadra-cycle parts. In found for sure (?) I not be able to take the sprag thingy apart. I may have to make it a trickily resourcefully different approach to add an additional working sprocket to the machines drive line. (nuts)
After returning an extra borrowed tie-rod end’s spaghetti fork. Then came on home. Did chores here, prepared to early hit the road trucking tomorrow, and bundled some trash.
Now back to reality, other than three rather quickly taken care of tink’s, I really need to woik on the replacement engine for the Greene truck. Short of boocoo bunches of buck’s I could just as well let that project slide, for even one or two days, today one of them.
(this part up until here was morning written.)
My honest Injun plan was to ht the farm shop early on and happily tinker this damp ½” received rain’s continued weathering start. Well, that was the plan, but 1st I (we) had to check the ladies for any late breaking labored developments. No soap (no calves). All was quiet on our astern front.
Driving out back a short trip prolonged closing upon the 1st barnyard gate we spied some rather interesting activities.
Way out yonder, there strutted a Tom turkey his feathered tail spread out like a gigantic stage show back drop, his wings swung wide liking he was imitating a much bigger muscular turkey image. I took an extra long look at this old bird somewhat reminding of another soul I believe I’ve caught sight of in passing a mirror somewhere around here. Had a near full head of gray upon his head giving away his age. And, what we ultimate doing when he had won one of seven ladies heart’s, I can’t describe without going into biblical terms. I felt so voyeuringly naughty I just had to smile in spite of myself.
During all these goings on’s I celled Terry across the street trying to tell him of our spied sights. Two recorded messages later I had made, then continuing our drive way out back to get rid of some yucky substances. That taken care of when we had turned around and headed for home we seen Terry walking the road way out front ahead of us. It seems after he had listened to my messages he’d come out with his camera in high hopes of recoding some of our spied action, only to late to join us. However as he was progressing in our direction thinking he was seeing some bicyclists coming down the road before he had realized his actually seeing 6 deer mistake and his camera un-readied they had turn towards our fence all of them jumping it into out pasture with our ladies. Dumb founded he had to hear of what we’d seen and tell us his astonishing tale.
Hell of a morning for wild life, Fillip and I uselessly admonished a whole bunch of red winged black birds looking as if they were about to nest it wrong again this year middle hay field nesting instead of the perimeters‘. Dumb birds.
Will we gummed our witnessing’s a couple geese got into it behind us going at each other (our facing the road) Terry getting a snap of that. Ho boy could them honkers get it on. I don’t know if they was disputing territory or mates. They were yet something else to see. We weren’t through yet. Sitting there on my lazy can, just a taking a look to my right at the right moment those same deer Terry had missed a camera shot at, they were crossing the road to the west of us taking turns checking out a neighbor’s mail box.
Sheesh. I know the USPS is trying to cut expenses; but, putting the Governors wildlife to work doing postal inspections? This has got to be a new low!
Upon getting to shop I’ve finally gotten Frieda’s window screen fixed. I managed to make up some parts I wanted welded together for my first magnetic fender mounted rearview mirror. We had taken of and replaced one WWD45 tie rod. Found a bearing loose now need a new seal to finish re-assembling the WD45. Looked at some Quadra-cycle parts. In found for sure (?) I not be able to take the sprag thingy apart. I may have to make it a trickily resourcefully different approach to add an additional working sprocket to the machines drive line. (nuts)
After returning an extra borrowed tie-rod end’s spaghetti fork. Then came on home. Did chores here, prepared to early hit the road trucking tomorrow, and bundled some trash.
4-14-2012 Hey Hey Hey
Have gotten Ugly running again. 1st off, I see no leaks. 2ndly and more importantly the engine is starting and running like a new born top. The new wiring bypassing the buried steering column ignition switch is working splendidly. Truck started easily, didn’t stumble or quit unannounced. I think the jury rigged wiring has long ago been needed. About time I figured it out! (scowl) Now I may get on with other repairs, rainy day tinkering, contemplating nature.
Speaking of nature, No new born calves today. (blaw) Well, we all need a day off now’n’then.
Backing up the wrenches for a moment, What was going to take me an hour to finish wrenching evening last I did it up royally quick in less than a ½hr’s time this morning. This gave me bookoo bunches of extra time to figure out how I was going to design and layout all the bypassed wiring and switches were going to be carried out (installed). No guessing, I went straight at it (into it) making another dash panel to fill an otherwise useless hole in the dash. So, when all finished, said and down, there are three new dash switches that must be turned, flipped, and pressed in the proper sequence to start and run the ready to go Ugly truck. Back off peons and watch my loaded hay wagons traveling dusts.
¼ to 5:00PM I’m in, my back solidly leaned against an ice pack half way up my spine. Now ¼ past the same 5:00PM I’d druther not have to get up to pour me a drink for drowning my rattlers. Yeah, I should have thought ahead. (no comment)
Oh oh! Holy salamander capable of mudpuppy color changes. It’s Sunday morning and raining for a change…. While we haven’t experienced any real diehard drought changes we have needed some rain.
He he…. I’m already looking forward to a tinker’s splendid day under cover the shop’s sheltering walls and roof. For starts I need to fix Herr Klink’s bedroom window screen that frame having taken a 2yr highattis. Next I had better finish up my tractor bicycle racks; OR, cut out (cut up) some pieces for my tractor rearview mirror assemblies. {I’ll need them welded some. AND, I’d also like to put some time into some the individual parts for the Quadra-cycle. Hummmm? This last temptation more likely a fat chance wish.
Speaking of nature, No new born calves today. (blaw) Well, we all need a day off now’n’then.
Backing up the wrenches for a moment, What was going to take me an hour to finish wrenching evening last I did it up royally quick in less than a ½hr’s time this morning. This gave me bookoo bunches of extra time to figure out how I was going to design and layout all the bypassed wiring and switches were going to be carried out (installed). No guessing, I went straight at it (into it) making another dash panel to fill an otherwise useless hole in the dash. So, when all finished, said and down, there are three new dash switches that must be turned, flipped, and pressed in the proper sequence to start and run the ready to go Ugly truck. Back off peons and watch my loaded hay wagons traveling dusts.
¼ to 5:00PM I’m in, my back solidly leaned against an ice pack half way up my spine. Now ¼ past the same 5:00PM I’d druther not have to get up to pour me a drink for drowning my rattlers. Yeah, I should have thought ahead. (no comment)
Oh oh! Holy salamander capable of mudpuppy color changes. It’s Sunday morning and raining for a change…. While we haven’t experienced any real diehard drought changes we have needed some rain.
He he…. I’m already looking forward to a tinker’s splendid day under cover the shop’s sheltering walls and roof. For starts I need to fix Herr Klink’s bedroom window screen that frame having taken a 2yr highattis. Next I had better finish up my tractor bicycle racks; OR, cut out (cut up) some pieces for my tractor rearview mirror assemblies. {I’ll need them welded some. AND, I’d also like to put some time into some the individual parts for the Quadra-cycle. Hummmm? This last temptation more likely a fat chance wish.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
4-13-2012 Flyday’t’13th
‘Tis a pretty day. Already loaded out a load of hay. I’ve fed the cats. Made a request for one of Fillip’s colossal breakfasts, (me lie?). (grin)
Sitting here for a couple moments, just realized FryDay‘t’15th was one of my Mom’s favorite day’s regardless whatever month or week occurred. She thought it a good omen to go shopping. And, did she ever shop. Mom gone for Since ‘69 I still feel her smiles on my from her heart.
‘Twas a slow start day. Getting Fillip up and around took some doing. Leaving him home for three days must have certainly spoiled him. But, I managed to get him to make up one of his stellar breakfast’s.
Our finally having eaten we were on our ways. Well, that was until we had to wait for Bro’ to come by to haul the loaded hay wagon to his end. Our now finally making it to the shop I went straight to work on Ugly. Did alright too until I found I had a couple extra parts left over. A spacer and bolt. My leaning on the fender for awhile I had finally figured out or discovered just exactly where the bushing had come from remembering it’s mysterious falling when I was taking Ugly apart days earlier. As for the bolt, I found a place to put it so’s all the parts, nuts and bolts come out even….
If all this seems to be bloody poor reading it was ore liking a bloody pouring letting my hands caught and scrapped by the crisp edges of the fan blade scraping my this hide more than enough I bled all over the whole project. My mid afternoon tiring having stood on a concocted elevation, leaning over the radiator, liking some hunched-back looking as if I were trying to haphazardly stand on my head I had to give it up. Besides, I was getting hungry. Through lunch I research the net for automotive electrical current loads for fuse protecting needs. Lunch eaten, needing milk anyway, we were off upon the Cushman for Otisville. Around about that lil’ village there are two rural automotive parts shops. We (I) hit the first one looking for some heavy-duty automotive electrical switches. The first stop I found one. I’d discover a bit later it wasn’t what I wanted but second thinking it I needed it. What the heck, I stopped by the 2nd parts shop and found a similar switch. As it turned out the 2nd switch complimented the 1st one. I had what I needed to revamp (replace) Ugly’s starting circuits. Also poking about this lil’ community I picked up more adaptable residential electrical parts to put together a couple other safer tractor-implement lighting ideas. By the time I reached home I’d also settled upon a matter (or way) to legalize the Cushman to the State’s DOT registration’s rules.
While I figured I hadn’t had a setting the day on fire kind, in retrospect I managed to do and clear in my mind how I can easily accomplish putting together a couple safety projects. Hmmm, maybe I might better material parts list, write’n’sketch them, before they’re (ideas) forgotten. “Son os a gun+ I’ve had one of Mom’s day’s.
Sitting here for a couple moments, just realized FryDay‘t’15th was one of my Mom’s favorite day’s regardless whatever month or week occurred. She thought it a good omen to go shopping. And, did she ever shop. Mom gone for Since ‘69 I still feel her smiles on my from her heart.
‘Twas a slow start day. Getting Fillip up and around took some doing. Leaving him home for three days must have certainly spoiled him. But, I managed to get him to make up one of his stellar breakfast’s.
Our finally having eaten we were on our ways. Well, that was until we had to wait for Bro’ to come by to haul the loaded hay wagon to his end. Our now finally making it to the shop I went straight to work on Ugly. Did alright too until I found I had a couple extra parts left over. A spacer and bolt. My leaning on the fender for awhile I had finally figured out or discovered just exactly where the bushing had come from remembering it’s mysterious falling when I was taking Ugly apart days earlier. As for the bolt, I found a place to put it so’s all the parts, nuts and bolts come out even….
If all this seems to be bloody poor reading it was ore liking a bloody pouring letting my hands caught and scrapped by the crisp edges of the fan blade scraping my this hide more than enough I bled all over the whole project. My mid afternoon tiring having stood on a concocted elevation, leaning over the radiator, liking some hunched-back looking as if I were trying to haphazardly stand on my head I had to give it up. Besides, I was getting hungry. Through lunch I research the net for automotive electrical current loads for fuse protecting needs. Lunch eaten, needing milk anyway, we were off upon the Cushman for Otisville. Around about that lil’ village there are two rural automotive parts shops. We (I) hit the first one looking for some heavy-duty automotive electrical switches. The first stop I found one. I’d discover a bit later it wasn’t what I wanted but second thinking it I needed it. What the heck, I stopped by the 2nd parts shop and found a similar switch. As it turned out the 2nd switch complimented the 1st one. I had what I needed to revamp (replace) Ugly’s starting circuits. Also poking about this lil’ community I picked up more adaptable residential electrical parts to put together a couple other safer tractor-implement lighting ideas. By the time I reached home I’d also settled upon a matter (or way) to legalize the Cushman to the State’s DOT registration’s rules.
While I figured I hadn’t had a setting the day on fire kind, in retrospect I managed to do and clear in my mind how I can easily accomplish putting together a couple safety projects. Hmmm, maybe I might better material parts list, write’n’sketch them, before they’re (ideas) forgotten. “Son os a gun+ I’ve had one of Mom’s day’s.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Been a busy day
First thing this morning my expertise was required midwife-ing this pair.
The mail delivery brought me a letter wherein was a note wishing my written approval for my book’s colored sketches. Sign, stamped, and mailed on its way my book’s reality is ever getting closer.
Taking an early lunch, we hit the road for the shop and the taking some Ugly’s problems apart: leaking water pump, timing cover oil leak, and researching ignition switching problems. We did manage to fix timing cover oil leak (I hope), modify water pump for Ugly’s application, and perhaps steadied ourselves upon a new method of Ugly’s ignition wiring. Late afternoon hitting my wall, we were calling it quits until we returned home finding 919 cow experiencing some discomfort. Fillip and I rounded her up putting her into sick-bay. Bro’ celled he was on his way to put his hands into the delivery. This was our third calf born today.
The rest of the ladies fed Fillip and I ventured a way’s out to check on an earlier birth. This was the 2nd afternoon birth today.
Another half our chores left to go, it’ll likely be after 8:00PM before this day’s finished.
So it was we had a very busy day, an even productive day. (I’m happy) At last we’re bouncing calves everywhere.
I expect all of tomorrow will be even better.
The mail delivery brought me a letter wherein was a note wishing my written approval for my book’s colored sketches. Sign, stamped, and mailed on its way my book’s reality is ever getting closer.
Taking an early lunch, we hit the road for the shop and the taking some Ugly’s problems apart: leaking water pump, timing cover oil leak, and researching ignition switching problems. We did manage to fix timing cover oil leak (I hope), modify water pump for Ugly’s application, and perhaps steadied ourselves upon a new method of Ugly’s ignition wiring. Late afternoon hitting my wall, we were calling it quits until we returned home finding 919 cow experiencing some discomfort. Fillip and I rounded her up putting her into sick-bay. Bro’ celled he was on his way to put his hands into the delivery. This was our third calf born today.
The rest of the ladies fed Fillip and I ventured a way’s out to check on an earlier birth. This was the 2nd afternoon birth today.
Another half our chores left to go, it’ll likely be after 8:00PM before this day’s finished.
So it was we had a very busy day, an even productive day. (I’m happy) At last we’re bouncing calves everywhere.
I expect all of tomorrow will be even better.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Fillip’s still sick. If and when he should ever start listening to me he’ll be feeling better sooner. But, what does a parent know, even an old one? (grin) Meany-while I’m doing what I can alone.
With Bro’s help we'd finally gotten Ugly shoved into the shop. When I left it, the radiator was draining. Truck in shop I can work on it tomorrow.
Word coming two bred heifer in labor, Bro taking me with him we went up the road to check on them. Yup, when we got there one calf was ¾’s the way into this world. Hitting the ground I whipped the flam (afterbirth) away from the calf’s snout for easier breathing.
Brand new, mere seconds old.
Around the corner another bred heifer laying down tired and resting was in some need of help.
My trying to catch her, my failing, we walked her into a smaller portion of the barnyard. There put a halter on her, tied her to a fence post, then commenced to double loop put a pr chains on the calf’s forefeet. Then my dropping to the ground behind her I pulled. With her pushing, my pulling we soon had another brand new calf. Then it was quick-quick like getting the lasso and the halter off her so’s I could turn her to her newborn calf, these first moments important to the cow and calf’s bonding.
Here she is brand spanking new.
It was one Hell of a day, even if I didn’t get much done.
With Bro’s help we'd finally gotten Ugly shoved into the shop. When I left it, the radiator was draining. Truck in shop I can work on it tomorrow.
Word coming two bred heifer in labor, Bro taking me with him we went up the road to check on them. Yup, when we got there one calf was ¾’s the way into this world. Hitting the ground I whipped the flam (afterbirth) away from the calf’s snout for easier breathing.
Brand new, mere seconds old.
Around the corner another bred heifer laying down tired and resting was in some need of help.
My trying to catch her, my failing, we walked her into a smaller portion of the barnyard. There put a halter on her, tied her to a fence post, then commenced to double loop put a pr chains on the calf’s forefeet. Then my dropping to the ground behind her I pulled. With her pushing, my pulling we soon had another brand new calf. Then it was quick-quick like getting the lasso and the halter off her so’s I could turn her to her newborn calf, these first moments important to the cow and calf’s bonding.
Here she is brand spanking new.
It was one Hell of a day, even if I didn’t get much done.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
c c cold
Now that we’ve had an early taste of Spring’n’Summer, I want to know who left the Winter door opened. Thankful I am I’d put my barnyard tux back on this AM.
After having taken Ugly truck to help me work my day it died less than ½ way to the shop. Bro’ towed me to shop and delivered empty feed wagon here. Then I was off an running upon the Cushman for supplements.
When I’d had lunch I grown grain by myself. Fillip sick I insisted he go back to bed. Without his help I had me a heavy day. Then when the feed grind was done I drove Cushman a ways out North of Otisville for some bone crunching. From there picked up Herr Mostess’s latest new prescription. Stopped by the TWP offices to complain about our trash pick-up. Brave souls are, they passed the buck to me to deal with these a-who trash engineers. We’ll see. I think I’ll fume for a day or two more before callen them for myself!
On the way home I passed an early arrival egret. A young bird all dressed in white. That bird so cold I saw it standing on one leg in Stemkees Pond. Brrrr!
Here’s another picture of some cuties……
… too enjoy.
After having taken Ugly truck to help me work my day it died less than ½ way to the shop. Bro’ towed me to shop and delivered empty feed wagon here. Then I was off an running upon the Cushman for supplements.
When I’d had lunch I grown grain by myself. Fillip sick I insisted he go back to bed. Without his help I had me a heavy day. Then when the feed grind was done I drove Cushman a ways out North of Otisville for some bone crunching. From there picked up Herr Mostess’s latest new prescription. Stopped by the TWP offices to complain about our trash pick-up. Brave souls are, they passed the buck to me to deal with these a-who trash engineers. We’ll see. I think I’ll fume for a day or two more before callen them for myself!
On the way home I passed an early arrival egret. A young bird all dressed in white. That bird so cold I saw it standing on one leg in Stemkees Pond. Brrrr!
Here’s another picture of some cuties……
… too enjoy.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Some made it a 4day weekend
But not us’en. Fillip and I drove into Otisville to take care of a number of things. Dropped a necessity by Doc’s office, Did some ultra bargain shopping, bought gas, bought a smoke roller, purchased a weather head for the barn’s electrical service, looked up a new friend pleading my case being in need a cup of coffee and cemented a new friendship, and lastly tried to see the TWP supervisor over the issue my trash left sitting beside the road, the Bugger’s’. Nut’s get to do it all over again in a couple days for The TWP offices plus prescription pick-up.
Had to take Herr Mostess to see her cardiac Doctor. That shot the entire afternoon. Had a heart to heart with her Doctor I did, about more than the current facts of life. She’s supposedly going to get her traveling oxygen travel pack in addition to two new medications plus a free ticket to a weight loss clinic.
Whatever evening work place plans I thought I had dreamed up were lost becoming involved in taking the broken Ford tractor 3pt lift arm apart. Bu time we finished the heavier part of the day there wasn’t enough time left get into any trouble. It was time to retire the day.
Had to take Herr Mostess to see her cardiac Doctor. That shot the entire afternoon. Had a heart to heart with her Doctor I did, about more than the current facts of life. She’s supposedly going to get her traveling oxygen travel pack in addition to two new medications plus a free ticket to a weight loss clinic.
Whatever evening work place plans I thought I had dreamed up were lost becoming involved in taking the broken Ford tractor 3pt lift arm apart. Bu time we finished the heavier part of the day there wasn’t enough time left get into any trouble. It was time to retire the day.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Easter Sunday
Well as it turned out, if I were seen kneeling it wasn’t my paying homage to the Cushman nor was I praying over it although it might not have been a bad idea had I offered up a few words. I was simply indulging into s quest of all my own seeing to it that miserable 1/4ton truck was properly up and running as I had expected of it a year ago.
When Sneak finally showed up his assistance was most valuable finishing up that wrenching I was no longer in a mood to handle last night. Everything mechanical put back together That 1/4ton Cushman moved and strongly running better than it had recently remembered most recently to today.
Whilst replacing that engines rear seal I had liberally used some brake cleaner sprayed all over the Clutch assembly’s mating parts. Wow, talk about taking off like a scalded dog it moved out as reminiscently I remembered as it had only a year ago.
Home 3:00 PM Fillips dinner efforts were filling the house with those sweet aromas promising an Easter dinner was smelling like a feast to be remembered for some time. My only apprehension is an over indulgence I shall have to watch my not over doing it.
Once I was out and about this morning seeing some bunnies hoping through/around-about the yard not one of them slowed let alone stopped to leave me so much as a single brightly colored egg to find or an even plain egg of any kind to contemplated drool over. Hmm, well now, this is enough of this drivel.
Well, back to some of my previous thoughts eating short and all that, feeling well rested what with yesterday’s 2hr nap ‘n’ last night’s 10hr all-night sleep I’m feeling well rested enough I’d like to go out for a couple hrs to fill in the day with some wood splitting. And why not? Hey? Cause There's some little time left I can enjoy some woods splitting time short as it maybe rather than using a whole day later I can better spend on a longer taking project. I hope all this made sense. An extra ulterior motive, getting me off my backside will likely lighten or even let stop some those miserable headaches generated when I’m seated. Being busy is better therapy when I can handle it without some of them doped habitual habit codeine/morphine laced Tylenol's for starters.
After dinner, fillip going with me he sawed while I split wood. We made one whale of a pile firewood in 3hrs. The Sun fixing to set, my reaching the end of my wall, Fillip was delighted I called it. E had our equipment put away and walking into the house at 7:30PM, close enough.
Dinner late, not wanting another supper I could have gone something to snack on. Mentioning it nobody paid any attention. I’d guess I was just put on another instantaneous diet! Humpht, I guess I might just as well think bed. As if I really needed some more zzzzzzzzzzz’s.
When Sneak finally showed up his assistance was most valuable finishing up that wrenching I was no longer in a mood to handle last night. Everything mechanical put back together That 1/4ton Cushman moved and strongly running better than it had recently remembered most recently to today.
Whilst replacing that engines rear seal I had liberally used some brake cleaner sprayed all over the Clutch assembly’s mating parts. Wow, talk about taking off like a scalded dog it moved out as reminiscently I remembered as it had only a year ago.
Home 3:00 PM Fillips dinner efforts were filling the house with those sweet aromas promising an Easter dinner was smelling like a feast to be remembered for some time. My only apprehension is an over indulgence I shall have to watch my not over doing it.
Once I was out and about this morning seeing some bunnies hoping through/around-about the yard not one of them slowed let alone stopped to leave me so much as a single brightly colored egg to find or an even plain egg of any kind to contemplated drool over. Hmm, well now, this is enough of this drivel.
Well, back to some of my previous thoughts eating short and all that, feeling well rested what with yesterday’s 2hr nap ‘n’ last night’s 10hr all-night sleep I’m feeling well rested enough I’d like to go out for a couple hrs to fill in the day with some wood splitting. And why not? Hey? Cause There's some little time left I can enjoy some woods splitting time short as it maybe rather than using a whole day later I can better spend on a longer taking project. I hope all this made sense. An extra ulterior motive, getting me off my backside will likely lighten or even let stop some those miserable headaches generated when I’m seated. Being busy is better therapy when I can handle it without some of them doped habitual habit codeine/morphine laced Tylenol's for starters.
After dinner, fillip going with me he sawed while I split wood. We made one whale of a pile firewood in 3hrs. The Sun fixing to set, my reaching the end of my wall, Fillip was delighted I called it. E had our equipment put away and walking into the house at 7:30PM, close enough.
Dinner late, not wanting another supper I could have gone something to snack on. Mentioning it nobody paid any attention. I’d guess I was just put on another instantaneous diet! Humpht, I guess I might just as well think bed. As if I really needed some more zzzzzzzzzzz’s.
Friday, April 6, 2012
4-6-2012 An Easy Day
How about this not much happened today. It should be a all around lot easier to record. Morning opened with my getting Her Mostess into Mount Morris for a vampire’s draw on her. Primary check is her body’s insulin level. Taking her into the blood sucking lab, I immediately scooted about Mt Morris for Ugly and Cushman parts. Made out alright for Ugly. Not so good for the Cushman. For the Cushman I wanted some graphite impregnated water-pump packing. Seems this old timely stuff is unavailable. Replacing it, they’s making a Teflon packing replacement. Nuts! After trying the parts scrounging I went super marketing for but few items one of the cat food, plus a couple different cold cereals. Next stop heading back to the vampires blood sucking depot I stopped for gasoline. Damn gas pump nozzle so damnably sensitive I got out of the cargo box the step box I had made for Frieda to make her entries in to any taller than a curb height motor vehicle door sill easier for her to climb-in/climb-over. I was glad that tank only required 10gal or I might have been getting us home to late for lunch. (grin) To break Frieda’s fast we stopped by a neighbors for coffee and eggs to help Frieda’s starved tummy feel better nourished.
After lunch before Fillip and I could hit the road for the shop I had to feed the cats. Looking down the drive I thought they looked like they were about to print, display, and picket me for unfair feeding practices. Thus, I had to retrieve that bag of cat food for the barn cats.
Once we made the shop. With Fillip’s help I managed to measure the required seal’s inside/outside measurements. I called the number into my parts man. He did a search and the new seal will be available for pick-up come morning. Also finding that old seal fitting so poorly and so easily tipped, I commenced to design and make a homemade flange to fit over the new seal when its installed, So‘s it may never slip again. Now, if I (we) can only find some of my old timey plumbing packing’s store’s, I can double seal the new seal installation. That way I expect that crankshaft seal(s) to never leak again.
Really an easy day….
PS: Oh oops, almost forgot the colored sketches for my book came today for my approval. They were absolutely, fantastically, beautiful in my eyes.
After lunch before Fillip and I could hit the road for the shop I had to feed the cats. Looking down the drive I thought they looked like they were about to print, display, and picket me for unfair feeding practices. Thus, I had to retrieve that bag of cat food for the barn cats.
Once we made the shop. With Fillip’s help I managed to measure the required seal’s inside/outside measurements. I called the number into my parts man. He did a search and the new seal will be available for pick-up come morning. Also finding that old seal fitting so poorly and so easily tipped, I commenced to design and make a homemade flange to fit over the new seal when its installed, So‘s it may never slip again. Now, if I (we) can only find some of my old timey plumbing packing’s store’s, I can double seal the new seal installation. That way I expect that crankshaft seal(s) to never leak again.
Really an easy day….
PS: Oh oops, almost forgot the colored sketches for my book came today for my approval. They were absolutely, fantastically, beautiful in my eyes.
4-5-2012 “A Lost Calf’s Tale”
In this story opening calf’s tale pictured the unseen cow and calf familying a couple day’s ago were just to my right.
This second picture I’m on this old 1957 vintage tractor using a back grader blade trying level out some of this lady stepped rough ground for easier driving and walking when the weather has further dried for the season.
It was while I was grading this lane The Lady I hadn’t pictured this AM after partaking some of the new pasture, upon checking on her 3day old bull calf had come out to about where I may be seen here and complained to me the loss of her calf. Now, how does an experienced lady loose her baby. This couldn’t be so yet this lady acted towards me as if I had had something to with the disappearance. Just a couple more rounds to go I continued my quest to leave some this ground smother than when I had 1st ventured onto it with tractor and blade.
By and by even prematurely parking the tractor in front of the barn, I was not finished, I stepped down and sought out Fillip to assist me the lost calf search.
Together Fillip and went out in the barnyard to where I had seen the pair last. From there we parted going our own way’s to look for said calf perhaps laying talling grasses just out side the barnyard’s perimeter. Neither of us found nary a hair.
Regrouping a second time fillip went anther way his thing baby got lost following mom. I took to investigating the inner barnyard fenced enclosures. My own steps few into the customary sickbay I was to spy the missing baby happily absorbing the Sun’s rays, the critter contentedly laying with the wind sheltering in the circle of barnyard outbuildings.
Cat’s closed mouth contribution, she hadn’t told me a cussed thing about anything. Some disappointing Black’n’White’s surveillance negated reporting, her‘s was.
From here Fillip and I went out of this inner yard, found mom and tried coaxing, even respectfully driving, her into where her calf was lazily reclined. Three attempts she refused follow us any way or another. In her mind she weren’t about to be tricked into an area she didn’t want to go. So it was back to either plan’s ‘B’ or ‘C.’
“You’re going to pick up that big baby?” Sweetheart could be imaginatively speaking, “I’m a lot cuter, smaller and cuddlier!”
The calf up and in Fillip’s arms, Sweetheart was gone. In her mind, “If I’m not wanted around here......!”
Whilst Sweetheart had split, Fillip, arms full, carried the calf out into the wider spaced barnyard. We still had to get ma’s attention. Then when she did get it together that we actually had her calf she quickly double timed carried her mail in to claim her offspring. What was going around in her mind, I still doubt she’d have believed any truth either of us could have told her. Obviously us’en humans can’t be trusted……
Then reporting all these going’s no’s to the boss, his comment, “Seems the 3day old calf is already smarter than his mother.”
This second picture I’m on this old 1957 vintage tractor using a back grader blade trying level out some of this lady stepped rough ground for easier driving and walking when the weather has further dried for the season.
It was while I was grading this lane The Lady I hadn’t pictured this AM after partaking some of the new pasture, upon checking on her 3day old bull calf had come out to about where I may be seen here and complained to me the loss of her calf. Now, how does an experienced lady loose her baby. This couldn’t be so yet this lady acted towards me as if I had had something to with the disappearance. Just a couple more rounds to go I continued my quest to leave some this ground smother than when I had 1st ventured onto it with tractor and blade.
By and by even prematurely parking the tractor in front of the barn, I was not finished, I stepped down and sought out Fillip to assist me the lost calf search.
Together Fillip and went out in the barnyard to where I had seen the pair last. From there we parted going our own way’s to look for said calf perhaps laying talling grasses just out side the barnyard’s perimeter. Neither of us found nary a hair.
Regrouping a second time fillip went anther way his thing baby got lost following mom. I took to investigating the inner barnyard fenced enclosures. My own steps few into the customary sickbay I was to spy the missing baby happily absorbing the Sun’s rays, the critter contentedly laying with the wind sheltering in the circle of barnyard outbuildings.
Cat’s closed mouth contribution, she hadn’t told me a cussed thing about anything. Some disappointing Black’n’White’s surveillance negated reporting, her‘s was.
From here Fillip and I went out of this inner yard, found mom and tried coaxing, even respectfully driving, her into where her calf was lazily reclined. Three attempts she refused follow us any way or another. In her mind she weren’t about to be tricked into an area she didn’t want to go. So it was back to either plan’s ‘B’ or ‘C.’
“You’re going to pick up that big baby?” Sweetheart could be imaginatively speaking, “I’m a lot cuter, smaller and cuddlier!”
The calf up and in Fillip’s arms, Sweetheart was gone. In her mind, “If I’m not wanted around here......!”
Whilst Sweetheart had split, Fillip, arms full, carried the calf out into the wider spaced barnyard. We still had to get ma’s attention. Then when she did get it together that we actually had her calf she quickly double timed carried her mail in to claim her offspring. What was going around in her mind, I still doubt she’d have believed any truth either of us could have told her. Obviously us’en humans can’t be trusted……
Then reporting all these going’s no’s to the boss, his comment, “Seems the 3day old calf is already smarter than his mother.”
4-5-2012 Taken it easy
Taken it easy today particularly after bone cruncher’s yesterday visit. Have found it takes about 4 days for an adjustment to settle in and take.
Holy Sandman, you over did it with the sleep-sand evening last. Sheesh I’ve just waken up from a 13 hr snooze. If I had gotten up during the night I little remember. Upright I sorted and took my rattlers. Charged out of the house to check on the ladies and found nothing new. Could this be they’s holding ‘em in on me? Why Fillip even opened the near east pasture gate and not one of them have ventured out. Strike maybe? Seems unreal this mob not charging out to check on fresh green grassy vittles.
I snapped this, about half of them lollygagging around as if this were some kind of vacation spa. Look at’em, all those big round full bellies. “Come on Lades, get with it. You are making me as nervous as an expectant father.” And, thought worry! I was all over that way back in the year 1970!
To speed up my morning’s moving around breakfast was a couple pieces buttered toast with my favorite traditional milk chaser. I’d made me fresh coffee only that new fandangled coffee maker of Sneak’s and I simply don’t get along. Well I can make me a fresh cup-a-tea and hit the outdoor airs. While Fillip sleeps in me thinks I’ll get on the little Ford tractor and do a few minutes grading. Some of these traveled farm lanes and drives still need some leveling if us drivers may remain in our seats and keep the hay bales from bouncing off the wagons. Hay making isn’t far away.
‘N’ the way Spring has cooled off, it’s looking like the stowed firewood in the house may be heating wise consumed perhaps making it possible I may yet have another year to replace this old house’s two front doors. We’ll see? More later…..
Myself on the little Ford, the east pasture gate opened yesterday, one, two, three ladies figuring this last fact out and more or less nibbling away at the sparse green stuff the rest of the mob catching on AND wanting some were finally getting it together and in motion.
Still later….Fillip finally getting up, my missing a café, Fillip finally wide eyed and maybe miss labeled bushy-tailed that’ll be another story wit’r’witout pictures.
So moving my day’s activities right on along while I was up and about within my own back yard a cell call comes in. Oh crap, it’s from our primary doc’s office. The office’s dingbat on the other end. This was her second call I as many weeks. Makes it sound as if our lives are on the line if we don’t immediately see Doc. He wants to see us. Okay, I give in and make an appointment for 3:45PM this very day. My next trick try to repair water leaking on Ugly Truck. So lunch it was. Then to shop. Just looking under the hood…forget it…..I’d (we’d) never have the water pump replaced before 4:00PM let alone any earlier. So, I turned our attentions toward the Cushman. We just might have it apart in the allotted time. We did. Nuts, I found a seal repair need that could just possibly take two weeks just waiting for a single new seal part. Nuts!
Frieda and I right on time for our medical appointment took our seats in the waiting room. There we waited and waited for 2hrs, more ridiculous paperwork, and finally getting in like I’ve writ after 2hrs. Doing all the paper work it was found I had lost my green card. Crap, I didn’t even know I was an alien let alone never swum the RioGrand nor one the GreatLakes. Then I was another hour before our supposedly anxious Doc come in to see us. What a fiasco! I do believe the dingbat was merely worried about her job security and next paycheck…. Doc didn’t have a particular lot to say to us. However, I bent his ear over our last three months treatment from the 4 Bozo’s he had sent the lot of to see (including Sneak). One fact I presented him with while all three bozo’s were in the same 2 block area, within 2 shared office complex’s 35miles away. That’s 70miles round trip, the gasoline prices devastatingly warping our lives living budgets beyond reasonable maintenance.
The worst part, all this costly travel fiasco-ing we hadn’t been helped one iota. Only one Doctor even had it close together. Two of them weren’t even close, and the 4th had no idea what he was talking about or any idea’s as to how the equipment worked or should be set up, Frieda had been using for over the at least 10yrs. Now, after at least 4months minimum we are none the better off any the basic cares or helps we had sought in the beginning. The last Doc aught to have his license revoked…. I’m leaning deadly serious.
Our day weren’t done yet. 3hrs at Doc’s it was time to put in more time at the pharmacy. That was another standing around 1hr’s wait. They’d decided Frieda’s insurance paper work needed updating. Sheesh, I also found I was missing my own insurance card. Now here another piece of whatever I need to GET(?). About the time I finish finding additional cards I’ll have my own foot tall stool right here in my back pocket.
I had earlier joked it be dark before we got back home, it was durn close and not without some additional painful excitement.
The sun was actually setting when I turned into our drive pulled up as close to the gangway to drop Her Mostess off. As Frieda exited the truck, Sweetheart on her way to meet us decided to jump into the truck for some more my impromptu loven just as Frieda was closing the door it had caught Sweethearts tail in the process. Frieda not looking back had heard the cat’s agony but continued right up the ramp as if she had a mission. Sweetheart meanwhile had managed to pull her tail through the forgiving rubber weather stripping, what had surrounded the door. In the cat’s continued excitement she was all over the truck’s cab at once 3 or 4 times wanting out in spite my try’s to comfort and calm her. I finally opened my door for her escape. Then parked truck down by the barn, from where I walked up to and into the house in the evening’s descending twilight’s fading light.
It’d been a Hell of a day!
The next very closely day’s installment, “A Calf’s Story” shall follow shortly.
Holy Sandman, you over did it with the sleep-sand evening last. Sheesh I’ve just waken up from a 13 hr snooze. If I had gotten up during the night I little remember. Upright I sorted and took my rattlers. Charged out of the house to check on the ladies and found nothing new. Could this be they’s holding ‘em in on me? Why Fillip even opened the near east pasture gate and not one of them have ventured out. Strike maybe? Seems unreal this mob not charging out to check on fresh green grassy vittles.
I snapped this, about half of them lollygagging around as if this were some kind of vacation spa. Look at’em, all those big round full bellies. “Come on Lades, get with it. You are making me as nervous as an expectant father.” And, thought worry! I was all over that way back in the year 1970!
To speed up my morning’s moving around breakfast was a couple pieces buttered toast with my favorite traditional milk chaser. I’d made me fresh coffee only that new fandangled coffee maker of Sneak’s and I simply don’t get along. Well I can make me a fresh cup-a-tea and hit the outdoor airs. While Fillip sleeps in me thinks I’ll get on the little Ford tractor and do a few minutes grading. Some of these traveled farm lanes and drives still need some leveling if us drivers may remain in our seats and keep the hay bales from bouncing off the wagons. Hay making isn’t far away.
‘N’ the way Spring has cooled off, it’s looking like the stowed firewood in the house may be heating wise consumed perhaps making it possible I may yet have another year to replace this old house’s two front doors. We’ll see? More later…..
Myself on the little Ford, the east pasture gate opened yesterday, one, two, three ladies figuring this last fact out and more or less nibbling away at the sparse green stuff the rest of the mob catching on AND wanting some were finally getting it together and in motion.
Still later….Fillip finally getting up, my missing a café, Fillip finally wide eyed and maybe miss labeled bushy-tailed that’ll be another story wit’r’witout pictures.
So moving my day’s activities right on along while I was up and about within my own back yard a cell call comes in. Oh crap, it’s from our primary doc’s office. The office’s dingbat on the other end. This was her second call I as many weeks. Makes it sound as if our lives are on the line if we don’t immediately see Doc. He wants to see us. Okay, I give in and make an appointment for 3:45PM this very day. My next trick try to repair water leaking on Ugly Truck. So lunch it was. Then to shop. Just looking under the hood…forget it…..I’d (we’d) never have the water pump replaced before 4:00PM let alone any earlier. So, I turned our attentions toward the Cushman. We just might have it apart in the allotted time. We did. Nuts, I found a seal repair need that could just possibly take two weeks just waiting for a single new seal part. Nuts!
Frieda and I right on time for our medical appointment took our seats in the waiting room. There we waited and waited for 2hrs, more ridiculous paperwork, and finally getting in like I’ve writ after 2hrs. Doing all the paper work it was found I had lost my green card. Crap, I didn’t even know I was an alien let alone never swum the RioGrand nor one the GreatLakes. Then I was another hour before our supposedly anxious Doc come in to see us. What a fiasco! I do believe the dingbat was merely worried about her job security and next paycheck…. Doc didn’t have a particular lot to say to us. However, I bent his ear over our last three months treatment from the 4 Bozo’s he had sent the lot of to see (including Sneak). One fact I presented him with while all three bozo’s were in the same 2 block area, within 2 shared office complex’s 35miles away. That’s 70miles round trip, the gasoline prices devastatingly warping our lives living budgets beyond reasonable maintenance.
The worst part, all this costly travel fiasco-ing we hadn’t been helped one iota. Only one Doctor even had it close together. Two of them weren’t even close, and the 4th had no idea what he was talking about or any idea’s as to how the equipment worked or should be set up, Frieda had been using for over the at least 10yrs. Now, after at least 4months minimum we are none the better off any the basic cares or helps we had sought in the beginning. The last Doc aught to have his license revoked…. I’m leaning deadly serious.
Our day weren’t done yet. 3hrs at Doc’s it was time to put in more time at the pharmacy. That was another standing around 1hr’s wait. They’d decided Frieda’s insurance paper work needed updating. Sheesh, I also found I was missing my own insurance card. Now here another piece of whatever I need to GET(?). About the time I finish finding additional cards I’ll have my own foot tall stool right here in my back pocket.
I had earlier joked it be dark before we got back home, it was durn close and not without some additional painful excitement.
The sun was actually setting when I turned into our drive pulled up as close to the gangway to drop Her Mostess off. As Frieda exited the truck, Sweetheart on her way to meet us decided to jump into the truck for some more my impromptu loven just as Frieda was closing the door it had caught Sweethearts tail in the process. Frieda not looking back had heard the cat’s agony but continued right up the ramp as if she had a mission. Sweetheart meanwhile had managed to pull her tail through the forgiving rubber weather stripping, what had surrounded the door. In the cat’s continued excitement she was all over the truck’s cab at once 3 or 4 times wanting out in spite my try’s to comfort and calm her. I finally opened my door for her escape. Then parked truck down by the barn, from where I walked up to and into the house in the evening’s descending twilight’s fading light.
It’d been a Hell of a day!
The next very closely day’s installment, “A Calf’s Story” shall follow shortly.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Woke up this morning hurting; and why not, I had laid down hurting more than the well norm. I get Ugly’s spark-plugs cleaned and the grain ground I’ll be off to see a chiropractor. Have already called. He be a lady this time. She even asked me if I had a preference? “No.” I answered her, “I don’t care who leans on me.” That got me a chuckle out of the lady and she told me she’d be there until 6:00 PM this evening. Good, time enough I (we) can check them spark-plugs and grind grain before going in. After that I had wanted to take the Cushman some apart. Some of that may have to wait. Maybe for some of that after that time I could look into some of my lesser, more hobby for the moment, projects until they’ve been practical plus farm useful.
Rat now I’m sitting tight trying to eat and drink something be fore venturing out of the house a second time. I know my back needs attention sure if I’m ever to see clear eyed again.
Meanwhile, Trying to get out of here it may be awhile before I get back to continue scribbling this depressing thread. Have a good one, at least better than the one I’m feeling…..
How about this? Our 1st calf has been born here this very morning
And, 2 more were born down in the hollow as well. The Spring ice finally broken we’ve newborns in all three barnyards.
To give this mob more room to move around we’ve opened the pasture just east of this house.
Isn’t Spring grand!!!
Had to grind today. Painfully, I took my time getting to it. I cautiously made a couple impromptu social calls along the way. When the grind was done, lunch partaken, it wasn’t exactly a yellow brick road leading over to the bone-cracker‘s.
Getting back it was time to deliver the feed. Well that was right after I had sat back against an ice pack for near an hour. I also had some thoughts to look into some light shop work.
Taking personal inventory all we’ve gotten done thus far this Spring we’re way ahead of this season’s games. Easter but a few days away we’ve already challenged next Winter’s fuel supply just hit and missing wood chopping to fill out a left over hour here and there. The down the road firewood supplies still need filling.
Back home 6:30Pm House was smelling pretty good the beef roast fillip had put on before we left. Mmm good, I’m back to having to sit on an icepack or another spell. Earlier having delivered the ground feed Fillip took to wrenching Ugly’s spark-plugs. We know it’d been easier to gap and install new ones but economics such as thy are I cleaned, gapped and tested at least two dozen used plugs to find us eight that still had some life in them. Also while tinkering on Ugly that mean old coolant leak was still with Ugly. Nuts, looks like we’ve got to install a better one on Ugly tomorrow. And, that was the water pump I wanted to put on dumpy truck when it was brought in for clutch and body repairs. Okay while we’re changing water pump we’ll also be taking the Cushman apart for its sleeve needed part. Priorities dictate those money’s we might have spent on Ugly’s parts will temporarily serve the ¼ ton truck and ourselves best if prudently spent on what we can do without to fix that what needs fixing rat now. Was this triage thing the equivalent to decide who needs the more lively worked upon attention first in the mechanical world? Decisions, decisions, how our meager funds may be spent the wiselylist best first? So many questions as I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, “What this World needs are more answers than questions!” Ahem, amending this last statement might I substitute the word “economy” for the word “World?”
Roast beef supper, chocolate swirl ice-cream dessert eatened, I had to lay it down, my late day favorite pain escape.
Rat now I’m sitting tight trying to eat and drink something be fore venturing out of the house a second time. I know my back needs attention sure if I’m ever to see clear eyed again.
Meanwhile, Trying to get out of here it may be awhile before I get back to continue scribbling this depressing thread. Have a good one, at least better than the one I’m feeling…..
How about this? Our 1st calf has been born here this very morning
And, 2 more were born down in the hollow as well. The Spring ice finally broken we’ve newborns in all three barnyards.
To give this mob more room to move around we’ve opened the pasture just east of this house.
Isn’t Spring grand!!!
Had to grind today. Painfully, I took my time getting to it. I cautiously made a couple impromptu social calls along the way. When the grind was done, lunch partaken, it wasn’t exactly a yellow brick road leading over to the bone-cracker‘s.
Getting back it was time to deliver the feed. Well that was right after I had sat back against an ice pack for near an hour. I also had some thoughts to look into some light shop work.
Taking personal inventory all we’ve gotten done thus far this Spring we’re way ahead of this season’s games. Easter but a few days away we’ve already challenged next Winter’s fuel supply just hit and missing wood chopping to fill out a left over hour here and there. The down the road firewood supplies still need filling.
Back home 6:30Pm House was smelling pretty good the beef roast fillip had put on before we left. Mmm good, I’m back to having to sit on an icepack or another spell. Earlier having delivered the ground feed Fillip took to wrenching Ugly’s spark-plugs. We know it’d been easier to gap and install new ones but economics such as thy are I cleaned, gapped and tested at least two dozen used plugs to find us eight that still had some life in them. Also while tinkering on Ugly that mean old coolant leak was still with Ugly. Nuts, looks like we’ve got to install a better one on Ugly tomorrow. And, that was the water pump I wanted to put on dumpy truck when it was brought in for clutch and body repairs. Okay while we’re changing water pump we’ll also be taking the Cushman apart for its sleeve needed part. Priorities dictate those money’s we might have spent on Ugly’s parts will temporarily serve the ¼ ton truck and ourselves best if prudently spent on what we can do without to fix that what needs fixing rat now. Was this triage thing the equivalent to decide who needs the more lively worked upon attention first in the mechanical world? Decisions, decisions, how our meager funds may be spent the wiselylist best first? So many questions as I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, “What this World needs are more answers than questions!” Ahem, amending this last statement might I substitute the word “economy” for the word “World?”
Roast beef supper, chocolate swirl ice-cream dessert eatened, I had to lay it down, my late day favorite pain escape.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Stinken Memory
54yr ago yesterday I found my Dad’s un-spirited body. I was devastated. Damned it, why’d I have to remember it this morning? Well, he was my best teacher. In-spite some the hurts he was the best all time laughs in my life. Not putting Herr Clink down, I’ve lived and loved two entirely different lifetimes. Don’t ask me to explain…. Well maybe a little. The bottom line, my first 21 yrs I waited. The next 54 yrs I was a doing, a bride, a few kids, and a well tangented three career life.
It’ll do it every time. I had thought I knew where I had put some very important paper work. And, whereas I had waken extra early this morning out of the last two morning’s usual‘s, unable to go back to sleep I was up and at it. No sunshine to tempt me out of the house to soak it up I diligently got into looking for them (misplaced papers). To the woodstove I added some kindling, some paper, some wood and some ignoring, and it was soon putting out some early morning heat to make my search comfortably warmer.
I brought in three boxes each with a distinctive purpose in mind: , burnable trash, salvage plastic bags (meals on wheels packaging), and mailed in junk to be twice looked at. I sorted and sorted, even managing to do it as I had figured it to happen, twice. Darn, darn, double deal darn it, I had no luck. But I did manage to sort out one whole lot of junk mail and obsolete billings. Giving it all up with some temporary disgust I took it as knowing if these papers were where I had put them somewhere else, I’ll eventually remember it.
So, I got up (off & on) to do away with my varied new collections, one going to the woodstove to assist me enlivening the woodstoves hearty fire. I temporarily parked the plastic bag collection out of the way until I take it out (down) to the shop with me. Sunshine streaming in the windows just a teasing the be-Jesus out of me to get outside, my principle area around my ‘puter cleared away, one or two on-going matter’s were temporarily parked. Myself ready to retake my seat with a prepared bowel of cold cereal I not only spotted but I also saw a smidgen-ed wee bit of a part of the papers I had spent 4hr’s my no find search. Sitting my breakfast aside I put both my hands into the newly discovered search area and walla pulled out the missing papers. The paper’s in hand I immediately put them away with all those paper to wit they belonged. Thankfully had it been properly forecasted it’d rain today as was originally reported I could have taken care their final ends purposes this very day. At least now everything all together in one place. They’s already for me when I get a round “to-it” the final purpose to wit they’ll serve their purposes.
It would seem the Indians what the white man had displaced in Michigan may just have the survival influence to save Michigan’s populace. They want to open eight more new casino’s. Is this the Redman’s solution to the Whiteman’s auto industry loss?!
Reversing my feeble mind a moment. Michigan’s already got 23 casinos going and only eight more will bring the state 31 dizzying places to gamble moneys away.
The way I see it with the loss of one industry Michigan’s got a lot of closed gas stationed corners apply suited for more casino enterprising‘s. I can see them now, a casino kitty-corner every filling station still left in Michigan.
I’m very depressed. I had expected to wake up to rain. And found sunshine instead. My whole day might have been ruined. Ah ha, but as the morning went on the sun shied away from shining down on us and wept all over us instead. Was good thing I had saved the last few moments fixing the Ugly truck until today. And then what was going to only be an hour’s job at best turned into another nightmare. Replacing the beast’s coolant Fillip found a water leak, a lower radiator water hose leak to be exact. Tightening a water hose didn’t work. A new hose clamp on didn’t work either. Then adding a second water hose clamp also didn’t help loss of water either. Nuts, close enough to lunch time we set about draining the radiator for a lower hose replacement after dinner.
We sure have high hopes of getting under way some time early afternoon. Additionally, backing the wrenches up we found the timing advanced at least some 8*?10* maybe even 12*. No wonder the truck’s running was liken crap. Gosh I’d sure like to make some headway with something around here if for nothing more than a personal confidence rebuilder. (grin)
All Ugly’s leaks fixed to satisfaction we were off for the Crossroads: gasoline station, Bank, Post Office, Library, Super Market, and by passing the gasoline station the second time patron lines to cussed long for the second fuel tank fill up.
On our way home we were celled somebody needing a favor. A self propelled lawn mower purchaser needed a lift home for his purchase. Talking the first responders out of the actual machine moving Fillip and I took over so we could do it and have it done in a reasonable amount of time rather than a hardheaded all night fandangled way of doing a simple act the hard-way. Getting home by abought 6:30PM our timing was inpectable. It was just starting to rain when we entered our happy home.
While we’d made some mechanics progress today, Ugly started running slightly off centered bad enough to have considered the sparkplugs need some serious attention. Looks like something new to be taken care of tomorrow. I have also been informed somebody inconsiderately ran out of ground grain. And I had though I had wanted to make fix eliminating a Cushman engine oil leak with another one them Redi-sleeve’s. Not a hard job but one requiring done if I want to keep the Cushman engine continually running in a healthy state. Wasn’t to bad a day. I survived one more.
Oh yeah, another bull calf was born this morning the place down in the hollow.
It’ll do it every time. I had thought I knew where I had put some very important paper work. And, whereas I had waken extra early this morning out of the last two morning’s usual‘s, unable to go back to sleep I was up and at it. No sunshine to tempt me out of the house to soak it up I diligently got into looking for them (misplaced papers). To the woodstove I added some kindling, some paper, some wood and some ignoring, and it was soon putting out some early morning heat to make my search comfortably warmer.
I brought in three boxes each with a distinctive purpose in mind: , burnable trash, salvage plastic bags (meals on wheels packaging), and mailed in junk to be twice looked at. I sorted and sorted, even managing to do it as I had figured it to happen, twice. Darn, darn, double deal darn it, I had no luck. But I did manage to sort out one whole lot of junk mail and obsolete billings. Giving it all up with some temporary disgust I took it as knowing if these papers were where I had put them somewhere else, I’ll eventually remember it.
So, I got up (off & on) to do away with my varied new collections, one going to the woodstove to assist me enlivening the woodstoves hearty fire. I temporarily parked the plastic bag collection out of the way until I take it out (down) to the shop with me. Sunshine streaming in the windows just a teasing the be-Jesus out of me to get outside, my principle area around my ‘puter cleared away, one or two on-going matter’s were temporarily parked. Myself ready to retake my seat with a prepared bowel of cold cereal I not only spotted but I also saw a smidgen-ed wee bit of a part of the papers I had spent 4hr’s my no find search. Sitting my breakfast aside I put both my hands into the newly discovered search area and walla pulled out the missing papers. The paper’s in hand I immediately put them away with all those paper to wit they belonged. Thankfully had it been properly forecasted it’d rain today as was originally reported I could have taken care their final ends purposes this very day. At least now everything all together in one place. They’s already for me when I get a round “to-it” the final purpose to wit they’ll serve their purposes.
It would seem the Indians what the white man had displaced in Michigan may just have the survival influence to save Michigan’s populace. They want to open eight more new casino’s. Is this the Redman’s solution to the Whiteman’s auto industry loss?!
Reversing my feeble mind a moment. Michigan’s already got 23 casinos going and only eight more will bring the state 31 dizzying places to gamble moneys away.
The way I see it with the loss of one industry Michigan’s got a lot of closed gas stationed corners apply suited for more casino enterprising‘s. I can see them now, a casino kitty-corner every filling station still left in Michigan.
I’m very depressed. I had expected to wake up to rain. And found sunshine instead. My whole day might have been ruined. Ah ha, but as the morning went on the sun shied away from shining down on us and wept all over us instead. Was good thing I had saved the last few moments fixing the Ugly truck until today. And then what was going to only be an hour’s job at best turned into another nightmare. Replacing the beast’s coolant Fillip found a water leak, a lower radiator water hose leak to be exact. Tightening a water hose didn’t work. A new hose clamp on didn’t work either. Then adding a second water hose clamp also didn’t help loss of water either. Nuts, close enough to lunch time we set about draining the radiator for a lower hose replacement after dinner.
We sure have high hopes of getting under way some time early afternoon. Additionally, backing the wrenches up we found the timing advanced at least some 8*?10* maybe even 12*. No wonder the truck’s running was liken crap. Gosh I’d sure like to make some headway with something around here if for nothing more than a personal confidence rebuilder. (grin)
All Ugly’s leaks fixed to satisfaction we were off for the Crossroads: gasoline station, Bank, Post Office, Library, Super Market, and by passing the gasoline station the second time patron lines to cussed long for the second fuel tank fill up.
On our way home we were celled somebody needing a favor. A self propelled lawn mower purchaser needed a lift home for his purchase. Talking the first responders out of the actual machine moving Fillip and I took over so we could do it and have it done in a reasonable amount of time rather than a hardheaded all night fandangled way of doing a simple act the hard-way. Getting home by abought 6:30PM our timing was inpectable. It was just starting to rain when we entered our happy home.
While we’d made some mechanics progress today, Ugly started running slightly off centered bad enough to have considered the sparkplugs need some serious attention. Looks like something new to be taken care of tomorrow. I have also been informed somebody inconsiderately ran out of ground grain. And I had though I had wanted to make fix eliminating a Cushman engine oil leak with another one them Redi-sleeve’s. Not a hard job but one requiring done if I want to keep the Cushman engine continually running in a healthy state. Wasn’t to bad a day. I survived one more.
Oh yeah, another bull calf was born this morning the place down in the hollow.
Monday, April 2, 2012
1st official wk’s woik day
Admittedly I didn’t want to get up. I was the last ½hr in repose just getting my left hand warmed up. Gads, I slept another 10 hrs er more night. Sheesh, I’m turning into a real sleepy head.
Well, I’m up now and going to try to make a continued effort to keep it vertical until I horizontal it again this evening. It’s as if I were perhaps over doing it the last couple days but that is more liking hardly the case. Perhaps it’s caused by my tiring state making want o do lists to long, the end finished results unattainable? Psychic food for thought at least. But then again I’ve got this little annoying pain what feels like just north of the sacroiliac. I don’t know?!
It was a Hell of a day. We had gotten into bookoo bunches stuff. While most of it we didn’t finish it (or wrap it up) we had a good time. A bright sunny day all the day. One of those a real teaser’s to coax an unsuspecting soul to shed to much clothing with an unmentioned promise a body could get real sick. I played it cool. I kept my barnyard tux on all the day.
What all we’d do or worked on? I finished putting the Ugly truck back together, quitting just short finishing it with a timing light. The hour getting late by that time I figured it more prudent let the timing wait until one of my fresher morning hour’s. along other avenues we’d serviced the chainsaws. Chip had even come over and expertly sharpened them for us. Fillip finished cutting down a wayward tree we’d left standing behind the oil-house, cutting it down and one of its last leavings also were cut into firewood sized pieces. The day so pretty our not wanting quit its marvelous-ness we slipped down the road to the tenant farm In the hollow. With the tuned up chainsaws we cut some more on those almost year old tree trunks. An 1½ hour more sunny time was well spent until I remembered we’d promised one of the neighbors we give it another go to attempt pulling their loader tractor out of the creek bottoms. So we were off and running a good deed towards our later afternoon. We still kept in mind we wanted to be back home before dark. Using the 2150 Ollie, it didn’t even grunt when it started its pull. In no time we had that 3400 Ford loader tractor up and out the bottom sitting on top much dryer, firmer, ground. By the time we finished this last running we had gotten home by 7:30 PM. The wood-burning home-fire still felt welcoming good walking in. Supper only require reheating leftovers. Viva la leftovers, supper was good!
A snap yesterday’s new calf.
While the cald didn’t get any I had tapioca pudding for dessert.
Well, I’m up now and going to try to make a continued effort to keep it vertical until I horizontal it again this evening. It’s as if I were perhaps over doing it the last couple days but that is more liking hardly the case. Perhaps it’s caused by my tiring state making want o do lists to long, the end finished results unattainable? Psychic food for thought at least. But then again I’ve got this little annoying pain what feels like just north of the sacroiliac. I don’t know?!
It was a Hell of a day. We had gotten into bookoo bunches stuff. While most of it we didn’t finish it (or wrap it up) we had a good time. A bright sunny day all the day. One of those a real teaser’s to coax an unsuspecting soul to shed to much clothing with an unmentioned promise a body could get real sick. I played it cool. I kept my barnyard tux on all the day.
What all we’d do or worked on? I finished putting the Ugly truck back together, quitting just short finishing it with a timing light. The hour getting late by that time I figured it more prudent let the timing wait until one of my fresher morning hour’s. along other avenues we’d serviced the chainsaws. Chip had even come over and expertly sharpened them for us. Fillip finished cutting down a wayward tree we’d left standing behind the oil-house, cutting it down and one of its last leavings also were cut into firewood sized pieces. The day so pretty our not wanting quit its marvelous-ness we slipped down the road to the tenant farm In the hollow. With the tuned up chainsaws we cut some more on those almost year old tree trunks. An 1½ hour more sunny time was well spent until I remembered we’d promised one of the neighbors we give it another go to attempt pulling their loader tractor out of the creek bottoms. So we were off and running a good deed towards our later afternoon. We still kept in mind we wanted to be back home before dark. Using the 2150 Ollie, it didn’t even grunt when it started its pull. In no time we had that 3400 Ford loader tractor up and out the bottom sitting on top much dryer, firmer, ground. By the time we finished this last running we had gotten home by 7:30 PM. The wood-burning home-fire still felt welcoming good walking in. Supper only require reheating leftovers. Viva la leftovers, supper was good!
A snap yesterday’s new calf.
While the cald didn’t get any I had tapioca pudding for dessert.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
April Fools Day
Now that my title I out, what’s going o cross me up today? It’d be normal, the way things go around on these Shorthorn country acres, is a daily norm.
Holy Sand Man, I must have had a bigger day than I had realized yesterday. I slept an almost totally uninterrupted 10 hours last night. My two rising’s were short relieving ones. All part of one my nightly routine‘s.
Plan for today? So many options, I’d thought I’d wing it. We’ve a whole barn yard fallen wood to cut up. An Ugly truck to put back together. More wood down yonder to finish cutting up. Sum up later
Fillip and I cut on a number fallen tree trunks until Fillip complained something wrong with all the saws. What the heck, it was close enough for a late Sunday dinner,….we ate.
Down the road, Fillip serviced saws. I cleaned spark-plugs for an up coming change in the 4220JD. I also installed a Redi-sleeve on Ugly’s harmonic balancer. That was easy enough for me. Then managed to start it on the engines crankshaft. It was about here I got the cussed shakes and I had to engage Fillip to install the bolts and tighten them.
My rattler’s taken only a half hour late supper won’t be to awful late this evening,….I hope?
‘N’ while we didn’t set the world on fire today, I’m still happy with it.
Holy Sand Man, I must have had a bigger day than I had realized yesterday. I slept an almost totally uninterrupted 10 hours last night. My two rising’s were short relieving ones. All part of one my nightly routine‘s.
Plan for today? So many options, I’d thought I’d wing it. We’ve a whole barn yard fallen wood to cut up. An Ugly truck to put back together. More wood down yonder to finish cutting up. Sum up later
Fillip and I cut on a number fallen tree trunks until Fillip complained something wrong with all the saws. What the heck, it was close enough for a late Sunday dinner,….we ate.
Down the road, Fillip serviced saws. I cleaned spark-plugs for an up coming change in the 4220JD. I also installed a Redi-sleeve on Ugly’s harmonic balancer. That was easy enough for me. Then managed to start it on the engines crankshaft. It was about here I got the cussed shakes and I had to engage Fillip to install the bolts and tighten them.
My rattler’s taken only a half hour late supper won’t be to awful late this evening,….I hope?
‘N’ while we didn’t set the world on fire today, I’m still happy with it.
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