54yr ago yesterday I found my Dad’s un-spirited body. I was devastated. Damned it, why’d I have to remember it this morning? Well, he was my best teacher. In-spite some the hurts he was the best all time laughs in my life. Not putting Herr Clink down, I’ve lived and loved two entirely different lifetimes. Don’t ask me to explain…. Well maybe a little. The bottom line, my first 21 yrs I waited. The next 54 yrs I was a doing, a bride, a few kids, and a well tangented three career life.
It’ll do it every time. I had thought I knew where I had put some very important paper work. And, whereas I had waken extra early this morning out of the last two morning’s usual‘s, unable to go back to sleep I was up and at it. No sunshine to tempt me out of the house to soak it up I diligently got into looking for them (misplaced papers). To the woodstove I added some kindling, some paper, some wood and some ignoring, and it was soon putting out some early morning heat to make my search comfortably warmer.
I brought in three boxes each with a distinctive purpose in mind: , burnable trash, salvage plastic bags (meals on wheels packaging), and mailed in junk to be twice looked at. I sorted and sorted, even managing to do it as I had figured it to happen, twice. Darn, darn, double deal darn it, I had no luck. But I did manage to sort out one whole lot of junk mail and obsolete billings. Giving it all up with some temporary disgust I took it as knowing if these papers were where I had put them somewhere else, I’ll eventually remember it.
So, I got up (off & on) to do away with my varied new collections, one going to the woodstove to assist me enlivening the woodstoves hearty fire. I temporarily parked the plastic bag collection out of the way until I take it out (down) to the shop with me. Sunshine streaming in the windows just a teasing the be-Jesus out of me to get outside, my principle area around my ‘puter cleared away, one or two on-going matter’s were temporarily parked. Myself ready to retake my seat with a prepared bowel of cold cereal I not only spotted but I also saw a smidgen-ed wee bit of a part of the papers I had spent 4hr’s my no find search. Sitting my breakfast aside I put both my hands into the newly discovered search area and walla pulled out the missing papers. The paper’s in hand I immediately put them away with all those paper to wit they belonged. Thankfully had it been properly forecasted it’d rain today as was originally reported I could have taken care their final ends purposes this very day. At least now everything all together in one place. They’s already for me when I get a round “to-it” the final purpose to wit they’ll serve their purposes.
It would seem the Indians what the white man had displaced in Michigan may just have the survival influence to save Michigan’s populace. They want to open eight more new casino’s. Is this the Redman’s solution to the Whiteman’s auto industry loss?!
Reversing my feeble mind a moment. Michigan’s already got 23 casinos going and only eight more will bring the state 31 dizzying places to gamble moneys away.
The way I see it with the loss of one industry Michigan’s got a lot of closed gas stationed corners apply suited for more casino enterprising‘s. I can see them now, a casino kitty-corner every filling station still left in Michigan.
I’m very depressed. I had expected to wake up to rain. And found sunshine instead. My whole day might have been ruined. Ah ha, but as the morning went on the sun shied away from shining down on us and wept all over us instead. Was good thing I had saved the last few moments fixing the Ugly truck until today. And then what was going to only be an hour’s job at best turned into another nightmare. Replacing the beast’s coolant Fillip found a water leak, a lower radiator water hose leak to be exact. Tightening a water hose didn’t work. A new hose clamp on didn’t work either. Then adding a second water hose clamp also didn’t help loss of water either. Nuts, close enough to lunch time we set about draining the radiator for a lower hose replacement after dinner.
We sure have high hopes of getting under way some time early afternoon. Additionally, backing the wrenches up we found the timing advanced at least some 8*?10* maybe even 12*. No wonder the truck’s running was liken crap. Gosh I’d sure like to make some headway with something around here if for nothing more than a personal confidence rebuilder. (grin)
All Ugly’s leaks fixed to satisfaction we were off for the Crossroads: gasoline station, Bank, Post Office, Library, Super Market, and by passing the gasoline station the second time patron lines to cussed long for the second fuel tank fill up.
On our way home we were celled somebody needing a favor. A self propelled lawn mower purchaser needed a lift home for his purchase. Talking the first responders out of the actual machine moving Fillip and I took over so we could do it and have it done in a reasonable amount of time rather than a hardheaded all night fandangled way of doing a simple act the hard-way. Getting home by abought 6:30PM our timing was inpectable. It was just starting to rain when we entered our happy home.
While we’d made some mechanics progress today, Ugly started running slightly off centered bad enough to have considered the sparkplugs need some serious attention. Looks like something new to be taken care of tomorrow. I have also been informed somebody inconsiderately ran out of ground grain. And I had though I had wanted to make fix eliminating a Cushman engine oil leak with another one them Redi-sleeve’s. Not a hard job but one requiring done if I want to keep the Cushman engine continually running in a healthy state. Wasn’t to bad a day. I survived one more.
Oh yeah, another bull calf was born this morning the place down in the hollow.