Monday, April 16, 2012

And, then….

….shortly after the sun had set, evening’s last I had writ this entry and posted it, had had supper, and had laid it out on the couch; a short while later Stats (cat) come by me with a mouse. Goofy cat sure to get our attention and praise commenced to play with his catch the mouse getting away. Goofus cat tried looking under’n’around our to short to floor tightly compact gathered to close together furniture finally giving up. A few minutes later he was either back with another moue or the same first one. That mouse also got away.
That darn cat! This household’s economy deeply suffering, I wish Stats would eat his food instead of playing with it. Doofus cat anyway!
About 10 til 6:00AM we (I) listened to a lot of rolling thunders. Sure had gotten noisy upstairs. Then followed we (I) enjoyed a lightening show coming in most the windows. Rain ‘fore last night’s rain contribution measured ½ way up to my first knuckle I figure we had a half inch the good stuff. It’s sprinkling rat now, and on less it gets with how’s a person measure the depth of one rain drop?
Out and out early I’ve been around the block hauling in another load of shelled corn. Then broke for coffee. Then checking the ladies found to new calves had been born over night one of them failing to make it. (nuts) All I got to do is look them all over again to find the common loss denominator.
Then I tried to make me up an early lunch so I could put in a couple hours shop time before having to keep another karsarned medical appointment. Darned if I ain’t a bit worried about this one. Looking up the meaning’s all the words used boiled down to some serious social diseases. What the? Any way, lunch eatened I was out of here.
What tempting tinkering’s I managed to get into, I’ll relate later. Here’s looking at the afternoon.
Settling lightly into the shop I prepared some more parts for combing welds. Looked at my engineering quadra-cycle jackshaft and passed even thought dwelling upon it.
Winds gusting 40mph plus I figured I’d better ride some fences. Found a limb down, a wire down, an insulator missing, and a broken wire gate latch. Just into fixing the last here come Bro’ to see to it I kept my medical appointment. From what I learned I’m still not a happy camper. However, my dreads were unfounded. No social issues unless it’s my habitual habit talking to much. Bottom line while, I’m objecting to physical therapy and another drug, I‘ll be giving in.
While I was snoozing away my afternoon waiting room time, Bro’ went off shopping for WD45 front spindle seal. I got it too saving 75% on the purchase price picking it up from Steiner’s Antique Tractor Parts just around the corner (so to speak).
Getting back I finish fence fix while it was still on my mind not yet forgotten. Then I motored on home to find some A-who thoughtlessly parked an ATV right in front my Cushman barn door. I unhappily shinnied the Cushman inside to prove, I guess, I can still shinny.
While I was doing my varied thing’s (activities) throughout my day, Fillip stayed home supposedly doing housework: dishes, floor scrubbing (what he didn’t get to), but he did delve into some sharp smelling cooken…
Supper was good and I’m seriously looking towards bed and sleep….zzzzzzzzz

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