Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ya‘d-never guess I’s been busy

Juan came by for one of our coupon shopping trips. Goen and comen we made the whole round trip in an 1½ hr. Then it was the shop’s toy box play time. This was my 1st half the morning.
Can’t prove nothen; worse, got nothen to show for my whole day. Yet tinkered some with an idea’r’two had me driven over to the crossroads for some hardware store parts. Got what I could.
Temporarily gave up on WD45 my deciding while it’s out of action might aught to change the oil. So then needed oil filter, and some fibered bearing packing grease.
Will get in some more than just parts moseying, say, when I’m over to the Otisville tomorrow where I have to pick up another prescription. That about covers my accomplishments.
Tried starting Ford loader-hoe. Didn’t start. Didn’t whole heartedly expect it to. Having checked and double checked the wiring I suspect the ignition switch is shot. (gr-rap)
Thus we could not bury the preemie calf. Best I could do was put the calf’s body in a low spot and temporarily covered it with a 4020JD’s scoop full dirt.
Oh yeah, near forgot four in coming phone calls, maybe five, from my publisher today. Seems next step is my receiving a rough draft, what printed the manuscript will look like includen the artwork, my picture, credits and testimonials.
Got in 7:30 PM. So durn late Fillip conjured up a pizza followed with brownies. Not bad for a quick tasty repast.

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