Sunday, April 15, 2012

Rainy Day Sunday

Leaping Pollywogs, it’s a rainy Sunday Morning. Haven’t had one these in some time. ‘Twas only moments after hearing the rain dripping of the eves did I my mind start to drift towards some thoughts of serious tinkering. Taking a chance at repeating myself. Looking out the door I’d resurrected thoughts of Herr Klink’s window screen, tractor mirrors, tractor bike racks. Why, I even had some foreign thoughts maybe woiking on quadra-cycle parts, a fat chance wish. Ho Hum.
Now back to reality, other than three rather quickly taken care of tink’s, I really need to woik on the replacement engine for the Greene truck. Short of boocoo bunches of buck’s I could just as well let that project slide, for even one or two days, today one of them.
(this part up until here was morning written.)
My honest Injun plan was to ht the farm shop early on and happily tinker this damp ½” received rain’s continued weathering start. Well, that was the plan, but 1st I (we) had to check the ladies for any late breaking labored developments. No soap (no calves). All was quiet on our astern front.
Driving out back a short trip prolonged closing upon the 1st barnyard gate we spied some rather interesting activities.
Way out yonder, there strutted a Tom turkey his feathered tail spread out like a gigantic stage show back drop, his wings swung wide liking he was imitating a much bigger muscular turkey image. I took an extra long look at this old bird somewhat reminding of another soul I believe I’ve caught sight of in passing a mirror somewhere around here. Had a near full head of gray upon his head giving away his age. And, what we ultimate doing when he had won one of seven ladies heart’s, I can’t describe without going into biblical terms. I felt so voyeuringly naughty I just had to smile in spite of myself.
During all these goings on’s I celled Terry across the street trying to tell him of our spied sights. Two recorded messages later I had made, then continuing our drive way out back to get rid of some yucky substances. That taken care of when we had turned around and headed for home we seen Terry walking the road way out front ahead of us. It seems after he had listened to my messages he’d come out with his camera in high hopes of recoding some of our spied action, only to late to join us. However as he was progressing in our direction thinking he was seeing some bicyclists coming down the road before he had realized his actually seeing 6 deer mistake and his camera un-readied they had turn towards our fence all of them jumping it into out pasture with our ladies. Dumb founded he had to hear of what we’d seen and tell us his astonishing tale.
Hell of a morning for wild life, Fillip and I uselessly admonished a whole bunch of red winged black birds looking as if they were about to nest it wrong again this year middle hay field nesting instead of the perimeters‘. Dumb birds.
Will we gummed our witnessing’s a couple geese got into it behind us going at each other (our facing the road) Terry getting a snap of that. Ho boy could them honkers get it on. I don’t know if they was disputing territory or mates. They were yet something else to see. We weren’t through yet. Sitting there on my lazy can, just a taking a look to my right at the right moment those same deer Terry had missed a camera shot at, they were crossing the road to the west of us taking turns checking out a neighbor’s mail box.
Sheesh. I know the USPS is trying to cut expenses; but, putting the Governors wildlife to work doing postal inspections? This has got to be a new low!
Upon getting to shop I’ve finally gotten Frieda’s window screen fixed. I managed to make up some parts I wanted welded together for my first magnetic fender mounted rearview mirror. We had taken of and replaced one WWD45 tie rod. Found a bearing loose now need a new seal to finish re-assembling the WD45. Looked at some Quadra-cycle parts. In found for sure (?) I not be able to take the sprag thingy apart. I may have to make it a trickily resourcefully different approach to add an additional working sprocket to the machines drive line. (nuts)
After returning an extra borrowed tie-rod end’s spaghetti fork. Then came on home. Did chores here, prepared to early hit the road trucking tomorrow, and bundled some trash.

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