Saturday, October 11, 2008

Some apropos scary October pictures

I’m enjoying a Hurley Hospital hospitality stay for chest pains month’s second post weekend stay this same week.
My head’s examined with via an EEG just a couple days ago and found to have had nothing in it. LOL Doc could have put it differently. LOL.
Next upon Doc George’s insistence I may be examined with an MRA (whatever that is) (a Michigan Revolutionary Army interrogation)?


Donna. W said...

Those are GREAT! I sure get some double-takes from doctors and lawyers when I ask to take their pictures. So far none have refused.

Kelly said...

Fern you do look like a fuzzy wuzzy bear! I just want to give you a big ole hug! You look so darn huggable there in those pictures, bless your heart! Love ya, Kelly