Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spent day working on JD. Both ends are now bolted together. Now I can spend my JD time on tidying up all the loose ends. Worked on the JD until my back ached. Did some far end chores and come home to put ice on my back. I managed the ice, and then there’s the time it takes to patently wait for it to work reducing the muscle inflammation. My plan was to ask the Cushman out as it’s lighter than Ugly and move some wood into the house. The hour of ice ate up my wood gathering time. Then Frieda brought up supper. Had to stay and eat her supper she fixed to keep her happy before I tending my ladies. The sun creeping down over the horizon left me little time to hay the ladies. Sure glad it was a sunny clear skied day. The evening’s twilight lasted beautifully throughout my achieved end to my chores. BGKC.

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