Saturday, March 19, 2011

Great fire balls

Yesterday’s starting a Spring morning’s fire a fiasco, I did a much better job of it this AM. This act my be my entire claim to doing anything right all day today.
I moseyed out about 9:00 AM. No part had been delivered. The ladies still have what’s left of two half bales. And, at 28* the mud had stiffened up to much for the little ford to move or grade the ruts out of the drives.
I took and used the Ford tractor with back blade to fill in some ruts. Then no ride I waited for nobody to show up. A daughter come to see us bearing a potted plant and strawberries for Frieda’s birthday gifts. She gave me ride to parts store. I paid for the feul pump that wasn’t there. Along about 3:00 PM the fuel pump was finally delivered the deliver had gotten lost. I-via! A timber buyer stopped. Tom showed feeding his ladies forgetting mine. I forgot them also. But they’d have made it through the night. The grass is just starting to turn green. One the ladies so concerned for a fresh diet followed me down expressing her desire I turn her loose on some magically grown three or more than four inches new grass. Wow, is she ever a dreamer, an optimist, and potential innocent gate crashing critter becoming a pain in the arse! I might better be planning on setting up one them robot gate openers.
Supper was biscuits and gravy, strawberry short cake for dessert. Was good.

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