Sunday, November 23, 2008

Counting day 13

My Lady’s coached parked, it was our time to go in. My opening her door and watching her step out the car. Oh yeah, she had a couple of finely turned ankles. Having not paid all thsst much attention to women’s ankles, why was I so interested if this young lady’s…. Ohh my, by delighted eyes caught sight still more, a bit of a laced edged slip. It couldn’t be, she came out dressed like a blueberry cake with white laced frosting. Taking my hand she wobbled a bit finding her balance. This was my birthday and she continued to be the picture I wanted to watch. Why couldn’t she have been my Birthday gift.
Entering the front doors, walking in the dinning tables were being cleared. Seeing us the association president greeted us and he apologized my being late. That was a switch. I explained the detour and my not knowing of it or we’d have been there on time. When he parted or company here came the wolves hitting upon my date. Neither one of us taken kindly to this behavior I told the sum of them, “If you guy’s don’t back off, I just might like to see you off to where you don’t want to go. The Lady is with me. Now, I want all of you to courteously apologize to my Lady and back off.” They did, every one of them, excusing themselves.
A moment later, a waiter came up to us, “I’m sorry you missed the dinner Sir. May I suggest a couple steaks in exchange for the chicken?” I looked at Frieda and saw the look of agreement in her eyes. I said, “Thank you.” Then come this way Sir, Miss.” Frieda followed the waiter I followed her watching her wobble a couple times. She had noticeably given herself away again, she was not accustomed to wearing heels. Oh, how I was thinking how lucky I was to be escorting a disadvantaged beauty. (grin) Shown to a table set for two, we were authentically served family style. The steaks came on iron platters. Potatoes and gravy, vegetables and salad in serving bowls, and warm towel wrapped warmer rolls served in a basket.
Oddly enough when I picked Frieda up, I had asked, she’d heard me, she’d denied she might have been hungry. At that table that night, once the food has been served she dug in with the ferocity of a lioness displaying an appetite so strong I feared for my fingers and hands a safe reach across any part of the table, say for a roll and butter, let alone anything else, saving me getting a knifed or forked the hard way. I watched my reach. Good lord, if she eats like this, a draft horse? She could be expensive to keep?
A cool 17* here this morning, no new snow. Looks like sun is going to shine. We’ve got a better than even chance making more stover-hay. My finally figuring out the hay baler, my learning the lessons or even trouble shooting suggestions, what none of which are in the operators manual.
I’ve taken my expensive new kick arse pain reliever. Up a couple hours I’m already feeling its positive effects. Supposed to last 12 hours. I’ll see?
Frieda heard for our fourth and youngest son yesterday. He was hit by a car when he was eight. Neurosurgeon husband and wife team took his head apart and put it back together again, Bronson Hospital, Kalamazoo, Mich.. I’m proud of this boy. Having lost over half his brain our hope for college graduated professional man was lost with that accident. He’s held a number of jobs in recent years and always highly recommended for his dedication whom ever his employer had been.
Flip had just been 18 wheeling it out to California and he’d picked up another load for his trip back. He’d called his mother on the company’s cell phone after hours from somewhere his passing through Tennessee or Kentucky. He had told her, “I‘m having a ball.” Frieda encouraged him doing what he was doing staying independent. From his past performances, he’ll do alright.
Hope’s Speed Son.
It were a good day under plenty of Sun. Out the door I needed parts from shop. While at shop I filled fuel cans for my eventual fueling three tractors. My work day included some extra frosty machinery repair. About the time the frosty white night’s coat had been taken off by the helpful aid and grand manners the sun., the repairs were done and the crop was dried enough for raking and baling. While I had started the raking I called that activity for lunch. After lunch I baled all I could manage. The baler behaved beautifully. While I did a couple light cleanings I moved right along unlike all my down time the other day. I expect the stover having dried some was not sticking to the baler’s inner surfaces as It had the other day. Near the end of day I had two belt twisting instances. To handle the first twist I had to have an eight foot ladder to climb on top the baler. So what I hadn’t baled two day, perhaps I’ll luck out with no over night snows. I finished my out side day two hours past sundown.
The latest headache medication worked fairly well for me today. While the medicine was no cure, I at least I experienced some relief. What few spikes found me I could at least ignore them keep my hands and mind busy. It has been a good day, Now uncomfortably tired I simply have to lay it down. BGKC

1 comment:

Paula said...

Frieda wasn't too nervous to eat around her new beau, huh? Good for your son. Sounds like he is doing great.