Friday, July 2, 2010

Hell of a day…..

Maynard: Its 7:30 PM now. This AM things were going wrong from the get go. Shultz Oliver refused to start. We replaced the starter. Shultz Oliver still refused to start. We opened all both the battery compartments, found one post loose, another corroded. All put back together, the fluids and fuel taken care of earlier, it was finally time to move it all out for a distanced satellite hay field (fields). I had to go along and break some three odd shaped fields out of four peculiarly shaped. Took me near a couple hours opening them for Tom. Still have two maybe three more to open tomorrow.
Ugly was an absolute miserably running beast all the way home stalling out here west of the barn, where I left to sit all night, for all I care, the Despicable Beast! In my home yard as wide as it is today I beset myself upon the half hearted Indy Ollie and hit the road to bale some more hay. Found more ready to bale than I had thought possible. All of a sudden I’m unable to keep up. I hit my physical and mental wall somewhere along about 5:00 PM. From about then on I plugged the baler twice, operator error. Had to stop five times to refigure out machines (plural) operation’s.
If all the afore mentioned ain’t enough misery for you Maynard my back (lungs likely) got to aching something fierce in the last hayfield I didn’t finish. (Oh, am I ever going to have a busy morning?). In that same hay field the real clincher for my early quitting was likely the pain in my chest (telling me I needed rest!). So, I took it home.
Changing out of my clothes (change Hell). They’d stuck to me as if glued on, for I had sweated my arse off, causing me to accidentally rip my bibs here and there. Talk about ventilation, and in all the wrong places.
My medication taken earlier, two hours plenty time for them to settle I merely wanted an iced tea when I came in to quench a thirst. A half hour and a quart tea later I was eating a pork chop, black eyed beans, spinach, and at least a pint of chocolate pudding. It’s going on 8:30 PM and I’m dog arsed dead tired and really must lay it down (period). BGKC.

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