Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sad Day

Getting an extra early start to beat the heat I was off to the elevator for fixings. I’m formed last night I had to grind today. Mr. Roger’s with tears in his eyes informs me our friend, his top all around yard man, had died yesterday. Seams he’d cut on a tree and I came down on him.
He’ll be sorely missed, was always a lending hand to me when I had on the road agricultural tire trouble. In return whenever he had a wiring problem; be it a tractor ignition, a ag trailer wire, sorting out a pickup truck short, no matter the problem, I was there. We were that way.
He’d a terrific sense of humor capable giving in kind whatever he received and often then some. He was a one of a kind, and there’ll be no replacing him. A couple years younger than myself he’d just gotten his social security. He was looking forward to living the easier life. Now, he’s cut a tree down on himself just so’s he don’t have to share some more fun’s with me.
Myself teary eyed leaving the elevator my heart aching for the loss of a friend, on my way home I’m celled, Bro’s cows are out, one of them even in the road. And, boss man’s miles away. Slapped squarely in the ear with that news, the reality of life goes on come back to me. When I arrived the corner right going home and left going down the road I turned left for looking after the wayward critters. By the time I got the there the critters all mixed up I was allowed to bow out for my doings. Keith’d sort’em out when he got back riding shotgun with Bro’.
While it were still the cool of the morning I returned to wood cutting (that nasty mess dropped in the lane by one thoughtless individual). Starting early before the elevator and roundup break my home fires are looking to be well fed this coming Winter. Barry looking for something to do I put him to work. First I had him bring me the JD loader home for moving dead wood. From there on we took turns making saw dust. The loader was a big help sorting those heavy limbs for cutting.
The wood cut we turned to preparing to grind feed. Barry brunching this AM took AC tractor for the empty feed wagon. I had a quick lunch. On his return I’m informed there’s another need for another grind. (Nothin’ like some timely informative advanced information???) Less than a quarter hour until the elevator ends it’s a second tri of the day for more supplements.
Machinery in place to grind we completed the first one. While Barry delivered I tidied up our mess, got the wood splitter out what had been stored behind the grinder mixer, and for my physical fitness routine I had ground the second feed grind before Barry had gotten back. The day’s heat building getting onto 4:00 PM we decided to break for a couple hours. Barry had some other things to do, I wanted out of the for a couple hours. I figured I’d get back to my wood choppen later.
Good Heaven’s that couple hours I took last longer than anticipated couple hours Headachy I took a couple Tylenol and laid down, then slept better than four hours. (shucks) Well, I had to do something to maybe cheat I had done something, I put the Cushman/splitter in the barn for morning’s early use. Took the AC with wood hauler trailer out to wood chopping site and threw on all the small stuff. Additional activities included puling some “T” posts, while we had the loader. Shook out a bent and leaking old stock tank for a scrap metal receptacle, and some other stuff. “Stuff“…now there is a defining word!?!?!?!?
Now its late evening. Having taken such a long nap I know I’ll not sleep well tonight. Oh Well, While I been procrastinating I’ve avoided doing any real art work. A fan directly over an improvised studio area in front of my favorite chair, me thinks it an opportune time to at least do some sketching’s.
Meanwhile BGKC.

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