Monday, August 15, 2011

Changes Indelicacies

Been wonderen what the cause’s? I’ve been hauling more middle-the-nights water these last three nights than I irrigated these Shorthorn country fields these same three days. I think I’ve put it together. There are but five more weeks Summer left, but only five more weeks until Fall. My physical systems can’t handle this supple change in the daily weather offerings as well as Mother Nature. I’m a mortal soul. She’s a myth in our imaginations and men’s posted port’s ramblings. So, I’m already caught between the assured experience to feel as well as see the changing of the season’s labeled guard.
Oh my word….. I forgot to record the Dumpy truck's two rocker panels ($35.00/pr) had arrived yesterday (a Sunday). I hadn’t expected them this soon. I’m not at all unhappy they’re here. Any day I’ve the time and the welder together at the same time they’re a body repair start.
Wholly Sunshine Kiddies! We’re experiencing a holy rare treat seeing’n’feeling the sun high in the sky just a shinning all over us. So good feeling to mind and flesh, I’ve got plenty to do in’n’under such a most recently rare day!
This morning’s shot out of the house I showed the ladies out here to fresh pasture. After that I was treated to fresh coffee at Juan’s. Then Juan drove Dumpy for me while I loaded a tagged hay wagon. The load on the road Shane joined me at the shop where most of today’s action revolved about the shop in’n’out-side’s. Bro' continued welding expanded metal upon haylage wrapper’s 8’ diameter-ed driven revolving ring. Shane and I went to work wrenching the 2150 back together. That was until we needed a break just about the time Bro’ showed up at the crack of his afternoon’s 1:00 PM dawn. He’s has his hours, we have ours. Shane and I broke for a quick hour’n’fifteen minute lunch.
After dinner Shane and I loaded the same hay wagon again, fed his girls and went back to wrenching. We did alright too. At least I’m happy with our progress. No parts left over even including swapping away a couple dozen assorted nuts, bolts, and washers. The hood back on (in place) the 2150 I could handle it from there tomorrow morning. Then broke late afternoon/evening’s beginning for our rest’s, and my supper. Next plan was to go back shop and touch up paint upon the hay wrapper this evening while the machine‘s warm and dry. When I had finished a half fast cleanup figuring I’d finish in the morning it was 8:30 PM the sun blazing the sky red around it half set behind a western tree line. “A red sunset in the evening, a farmer’s delight in the morning.”
This most my day, I managed to thwart some several day’s repeated nagging pains in my left shoulder by crossing my bib’s suspenders over me right shoulder. ‘Twas one lovely day for getting it done…..well…..almost.

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