Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Nice Day

‘Twas a beautiful day. So nice in fact I didn’t realize I hadn’t worked under the breeze of an old salvaged squirrel cage shop fan. Spent most my time unwrenching 2150 Ollie. The new parts are here and good too go on Ollie just as soon as I’ve finished stripping the side of the block down where they’ll go.
A neighbor with better eyesight than mine spotted my hydraulic brake leak. No time to work on it I eliminated that brake line. Sheesh, I loose another braking wheel, I’ll be needing to reline my shoes.
Haying, I instructed Jake, whose keeping his 4H projects in Bro’s barn and yard, on how to rake hay. His getting my instructions a bit mixed up, he may well do a better job his next opportunity. Jake having raked hay until he had to be somewhere else mid-afternoon, I finished the task myself this evening. I’ll be baling the cleanest hay unimaginable having been rinsed no less than possibly a dozen times these last ten days.
Nuts, I know it’s still early but I need my heated rice filled sock for my lame neck.

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