Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day

It is 6:30PM and I’ve just wakened from a 3 ½ hour nap. It has been a relatively quiet day as day’s go. Everyone awoke in their own time. Shortly after I got up, I started dinner. Don’t remember having breakfast? Frieda was next having next finding string for my eventual piecing back together the sliced ham. Lastly Fillip arose requiring him to tend to and feed the animals.
While every body else was busy with whatever they were doing I peeled potatoes (spelled with an “E”), with my hunting knife, putting them on the wood stove to cook. The ham tied up I tooth picked pineapple rings and red’n’green maraschino cherries all over it. Then wondered at what temperature does one bake a previously cooked ham? Meanwhile somewhere in these preparatory times I had also peeled and cored a bowl full of cinnamon and nutmeg seasoned apple slices to fill a cooken glass pie plate. Over these apples I covered them with a mixed together oatmeal, brown sugar, and 1/8 pound stick of butter topping. Once the dessert assembled I put it in the oven when the roasted ham come out of the oven and watched from time to time until the dish’s contents had all melted down together.
To simplify dinner’s put together a couple cans and bottles were opened. A simple meal really, I had fun putting what there was of it together. Serving, explaining my hunting knife’s use I asked my eaters to pay no attention to any encountered gamy tastes; AND, be watchful of bones. Served, Susan had joined us for dinner taking with her some ham home to help us finish the leftovers this coming week.
Busiest activity all day of all us relaxed soul’s was that of restarting the woodstove fire as it repeat-ably continued going out.
Then what’d we all have for supper? Leftovers. What-else. Only differently. Why, because we all napped at different times. Like a bunch of fattened cats we all succumbed to slumber under individual needs. I was first. Frieda second and Fillip coming in last, if at all, if he had snoozed. Frieda’s nap the shortest she had made herself a sandwich and dished-up apple crisp. Not to sure about Fillip? I’ll just skip on a-long to myself. I had Fillip make me a couple ham sandwiches on whole wheat buns filled with a single slice of ham and what looked like a fist full of lettuce. Happy to see the lettuce it was a vegetable I had salvaged out of the surplus commodities of a week ago plus today’s fresh baked apple crisp. No more the ham Fillip had put on my sandwich, we’re going to suffer the land of eating leftovers for a much longer time. Nuts! It’s amazing how long the lettuce had lasted without turning brown even around the edges. Hopefully somebody will also eat a lettuce salad tomorrow. We’ll see tomorrow?

1 comment:

Paula said...

The apples sure sound good. Well it all does. Glad you all had a nice Christmas Day.