Monday, January 16, 2012

Switcheroos Day

Given up on our ability to easily correct Dumpy’s driven faults we thought it the better of all the mounting evils one of us just might take up beating the poor mechanical specimen into junkyard fodder. Anyway, to carry on, carry away (so to speak) we took Dumpy down the road for a swapping out all those personal items we need for our daily toils. We moved from one decrepit monster to the other a 2 ½# single-jack*, I repackaged tow-strap, One rough looken 1st aid box, some cans motor oil, a heavy duty clevis, some loose tools, and all the unmentionable stuff what has littered the dash for days, weeks, months. All this stuff went into the Ugly truck for whatever how long the transmission will either hold-up or last.
Transportation swapped out It was either time to put in some honest hours make fix the 1850 Oliver standing within the shop’s sheltering walls.
Nearing lunch time, in no mood to tug wrestle the bicycle chain into the 1850 I gave it a good dousing with WD40 liberally sprayed all over it to loosen it up. Truth be known I had tried putting the chain on the tractor failing miserably. I chucked the idea for a-while.
Wanting to get those blank doors out of the barn for a warmer place’s painting. So, I took a walk up the hill to see if I could find them. I never got to them as the time had worked out. I instead ran right into another pair doors all together inside’n’out including the glass’s’. To heck with any other du-da fancy rebuilding. I decided I’d use those used (good looken) doors just as they are. Seems Dumpy’s destined to have some blue inside. Personally I don’t care. It’s a farm truck destined to more bruises. I also found another automatic transmission. (he he he) Now with this find, I can sure as the devil make one good working one out of the two. Looks like we’ve plenty of some good Winter’s wrenching ahead of us under the shop’s cover.
Near 1:30 we broke for lunch. Returning to the shop we wrenched on the 1850. The chain’s on, the motor mount bolts have been tightened, started fishing some of the cables, control rods and cables. Although there’re some big pieces to put back on the tractor all the hardest parts have been done. We’ll se what we’ll get done over the next few days.

*single-jack, is a 16” handled small 2 to 3 pound heavy hand hammer. It follows a longer handled bigger hammer 8, 10, or 12 pounds is called a double jack.

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