Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Wonder Day?

Sometime evening last Bro’ called asking, “You open any gates yesterday?” That was before dark.
“No!” I answered.
Later after dark this next time Bro’ calls again, “You sure you didn’t open a gate? We found three had been opened to let the heifer‘s out.”
“No!” I repeated, “I had no need to open any gates, even one or more.”
“Somebody’s been messing around here while I was gone.” He’d said, then repeating his question.
“Look!” I said, We’ve (including Fillip) beeen to bust all day to have rearranged any gates. You know where I was all morning. I ground grain most the afternoon. And, putting the Ugly truck into the shop we tightened truck bolts!!!” Then I added, “But, we both should have a good idea who?!”
“Who?” he asks.
I told him, “Your sneaking little buddy sneak thief. That’s who. He’s likely thinking he’s getting even.”
This last part even amasses me. But I have my suspicions. I never liked his lazy arsed little buddy’s looks when Bro’ Let him move into the tenant house. No job, he was supposed to work off his rent. Pulling the plug on his phone we couldn’t get a ho;d of him. Unemployed, employment benefits run out he always seemed to have money. Particularly after my lawn tractor evaporated, the live stock feeder disappeared. The pallet fork loader no longer sitting in the barn. Plus a whole lot of other stuff!
Now, This is freaking great, an admitted thief getting even for being found out and confronted with his crimes. I tell ya???
For a little fun….I borrowed this from I-net KL board….
“Any body see the 2255 on the photo ads with MFWD and loader and really low hours? That thing looks really sharp! I actually dreamed about buying it, and the owner found out it wouldn't fit in my barn, then wouldn't sell it to me.
Woke my wife up and told her we needed a bigger barn for my true love, and she smacked me!”
Right turn out drive we headed for shop time. We picked up ‘n sorted salvageable useful metals from scrap. When we had finished that the apron was looking some better. Okay, we’d had a start. Next on the morning agenda we kicked some tires loose of ice ’n snow, as same with some odd’n’ends various blockings. Some barrels set up in pairs I was going to start cutting tires into throw away trash pick-up pieces. Oh yeah, that was right up ‘til I found I was out of the right saw blades. Gone to the Crossroads hardware were I heavily supplied. Getting back found my choices were all wrong. Nuts! Next I took to looking everywhere A blade may have been saved and stashed, my eventually finding enough of the right ones found in a second tool box I initiated my first cuts. Then before I had finished dissecting the first tire, here come Bro’ finally ready to round up his cattle and sort out the wayward(?) err lost(?) err let loose(?) and found in the pink healthy all at home. My sidekick and myself experienced a postponed lunch Mc Jerky Bro’ starting his day well after the crack of noon. We were so late sort all those lovely ladies and girls Fillip and I got home so late when we finished (What was it?) lunch or supper, we didn’t bother to go back to sop for only another half hour’s work. I took my meds a half hour later and had a fresh baked blue berry pie of Supper’s dessert. BGKC.

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