Thursday, January 5, 2012

‘Twas a sunny Day

It was such a beautiful day our labors accomplishments falling well (as in way) short our expectations. Our principal task today was to cut’n’split a wood-hauler load firewood. But alas before getting to it we were summoned to run down the road and secure a load of returnable pallets and boxes for transport back to the surplus commodity’s center. Then at that, we expect Bro’ to be loaded up with another load of fruits, vegetables, and out-dated baked goods for cattle feed conversation processing.
Meanwhile, back here Fillip and I put the WD45 to the wood-hauler, the wood hauler to the wood splitter, and headed for our rendition of a lovers lane to re-supply our empty foyer. An hour into the afternoon disappointments doubled up on us. Oh woe is me (us). After we had cut for a spell the cussed log splitter failed to start. It teased us a number of times but then didn’t have the heart to help us with just one of out tasks, the splitting of some the tree trunks into fire sized woodstove fuel. A bit later the chainsaw started acting up wanting to cut in circles. No problem with the chain it was throwing out some nicely cut wood chips. The saw-bar was wearing heavier one side more so the other. Not sure what I want to do with the thing I tried calling my saw dealer. Seams he needs some numbers off the saw-bar I can’t read. Looks like another stop by the Crossroads hardware. As much time I’ve been stopping in over there I should getting my own coffee cup and a rocker.
So we come home with about a half load burnable sized firewood leaving another quarter load still out along the lane needing splitting.
Head-achy and tired, sorry folks. I’m turning in.

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