Saturday, May 30, 2009

An interesting day…..

… say the least. I had spoke of putting new tire on the 2150. It took three of us all morning to get the inside bead off the rim. That brought us right up to lunch time.
Lunch time was an invitation to judge a troop cook off between two patrols. What I didn’t now was Frieda and I were the only invited ginny pigs for this taste test palatable face off. Nothing like putting a couple innocents right on the touchy front line of judgment. Told when to be on hand we were. On time we find a group of adults already stuffed or rather near finished a meal. We weren’t offered any of this as the explanation offered it was already gone and it was for adults only. Humph! What was I? Had I regressed all the way back to a child like state my missing growing younger. Alright, what will be will be. Trying to cover their tracks we were offered dessert. Okay, hungry Frieda and I indulged.
By and by the first patrol ready to serve brought Frieda and I a plate of dinner plus dessert for our discerning palates. The corn bread was near a total loss. Caving the black away until it looked just right it wasn’t all that bad. Delicious chili made to rival any canned commercial product, yummy. Scalped potatoes and sausage, good. And, something else.
Delegated a plate from the second patrol, we ate again. Fried potatoes and bacon, baked spaghetti, and a cheese muffin. Plus chocolate cake for dessert wrestled from the dutch oven, taste.
Now don’t forget the main courses we didn’t get…. The boys cooking came in (If their scores had been averaged) with one point between them up there earning scores of 98 and 97. Not bad while they had burned all the main meals, While they had whipped up some taste recipes the main courses were tastee all being equal Frieda and I had to give the first patrol first places for their outstanding chili and apple cobbler. The second patrol fell behind on the plain food offering but rebounded with some daring recipes for an outdoor cook off, rebounding not enough.
The third patrol, the adults short on saving enough grub for invited guests, offered but desert to sweeten our injured feelings. That dessert just didn’t measure up to the young men’s offering, Yum on both patrols counts.
Patrol one came in 1st.
Patrol two came in 2nd.
Patrol Adult came in 3rd just for the dessert in spite itself and nothing else, the host set upon watching me waste away.
Curiosity gets the better of any lady anytime. Look at this one looking for my furniture’s labels.
or down load image.

Here’s a couple pictures for Cliff:
2150 in dirty clothes.
Or down load image.

Old tire off, Wheel washed and rinse’d twice, towel dried, rim greased, new tire near by for afternoon mounting. The blue barrels hold what’s left of tire ballast. Dig the 6/18 plow attached.
or down load image.
Pictures from Shorthorn country.
Damn it! I forgot what I was going to write next. Couldn’t been all that important. So, nothing’s lost. BGKC.
This entry is also a test to see if I can post some thumbnails(?). IF not cut and past the image

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