Saturday, May 9, 2009

Making Do

Continuing to horse around so to speak I found a novel way to put an ice pack right where I want it in the form a imaginary saddlebag. I put the ice pack in the bag, lower it down my back and at just the right height it has two straps cross around my throat and fasten behind my neck. It ain’t pretty, a little out of the ornery but it works. I might have over done it wearing for three hours for it felt so good.
The day somewhat drippy I managed to check a couple spring fences. Won’t be long they’ll be summer fences, and so on. {:^)
Myself innocently enough caught up with it didn’t take whole lot of coursing to talk me into a shopping trip. Sitting 80% of the time what overloading exertion could I possibly get into. It all started with the price of a replacement JD pin JD valued at $140,00.
The needed pin in the foreground we found a one and an eighth inch hitch pin and a couple category two to category three bushings, all for the adsorbent-net price of $14.00. A little weld and a whole either enlarged or bored new, these parts 90% off. We’ll see what happens?
The rest of the evening just idled along, did chores and was happy getting home at a reasonably early 8:30 hour.
Frieda had said, ”Hello. Good Night.”

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