Friday, April 22, 2011

Goooood Friday

I guess I’ll find out how fixed Ugly is today. If I’ve no trouble for a week It should be in as near good shape as I may expect for an old rat roe bate truck.
Trick now it getting Cushman into shop?
Lastly? Nextly? A supposedly JD plow moldboard was delivered yesterday. On packaging it will tell. Installed, fields are likely two wet again to plow. I’m not going to look forward to having to deal with stuck down immediately earth bound pulled in its own self made mud hole.
Ever feel abandoned?
I started my day putting Ugly back into the shop for some tidying up. Late yesterday afternoon I remembered I had forgotten to tighten two cargo box bolts. Then there was that unneeded electric fuel pump I wanted to remove before it was all muddied up before it’s time just riding around. It is most likely without a doubt that fuel pump will find use on another machine around here. I also tried once and for all put a light bar on the cargo box right behind the cab. I was thinking a good place to add a plate for an old CB antenna mount. That wasn’t about to work without some serious unplanned heavy modifications. So that bar’s parked outside the shop door once again. Nut’s! Maybe someday. The primacy problem for mounting the light-bar was the auxiliary diesel fuel tank’s transfer pump. As long as it couldn’t moved for the light bar I moved for added convenience for my arm’s exercising on that pump’s handle for field fueling the tractors. Getting into dinner time I abandoned my tool pick up until my wanted return with the Cushman Truckster. Yeah right? Trying to fins assistance nobody but nobody had any immediate time to either drive or steer one or the other given me a helping hand tow. I was told (or delegated) to wait.
As I waited time dragged on and on I slowly started to fret a bit. Not letting a wait bother me I carefully towed the little mechanical beast out of the barn with Ugly’s help. Repositioning Ugly a couple times the machines steering hauled over both ways in turn I had finally moved up from the barn opposite the kitchen windows. Sort of having a notion this was going to happen in the back of my mind I had loaded all manner of paraphernalia to nigger-rig me some sort of a towing apparatus. First thought included a junk tire. Blocked up on a level plain to the Cushman I tried this idea and idea finding something wrong with every one of them. If it weren’t about to cut a nylon strap over a square (sharp) edge, a chain would just possibly become entangled in the front suspension. Neither those ideas looking for nothing but trouble I didn’t even give a thought to Ugly’s end of the rigging. Terry home I walked over and he had heavily planned his day and he was sewed up with waiting help, picking up and hauling a load firewood for a body heating with wood. Next, though Brad? What the, I had forgotten all about Handy? He just might be home, I gave him a call. He was awaiting for a shopping expedition ride. If we were about to do it it had to be now. Now it was. Dawn and back the including Truckster pushed into the shop, only a couple maybe hours lost, my returning Handy home his return just was rightly timed for his ride. From there the time having flown my mind was coming up on my wall hour. Add to that I had nothing in mind what little I’d do today in an afternoon’s hour left what I couldn’t do in a quarter that time morning I temporarily quit. Seeing Terry again and his help Al, I enjoyed about a half hour honest to goodness gossiping, workshop and equipment shopping talk. Why I even managed to gleam one of Tania’s exceptionally good cup’s coffee. It had been a good day after all. Now if I could only figure out what tired me out? What’s next. Time on my hands, what’ll I look for on the TV napping towards bedtime.

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