Saturday, April 16, 2011

On time….

…..I was waking up o take my rattlers. Turning on the deck light I saw we had had an overnight sprinkle, the deck barely dampened. All what was required at hat hour was to wait an hour eat something quick and head out for that mystery dry fire wood pile in the farm area I’ve nick-named the “Turtle Crossing.” At the self appointed hour stepping aboard the WD45 starting it, in to big a hurry I stalled it. Started once more it run for a few moments only to quit again for either seemingly to have quit for the rest of the day or maybe start when it was darn good or ready if and when my attempt to move it again, later.
Out and about and back to the house I checked out my next season’s firewood and found some maybe dry enough to sustain our heat for our Spring needs. Could be I wont have to throw the fire wood back outside to get at replacing my outer front door. By-gum-bo, at least on of these front doors is going to be replaced regardless come harvest-able hay or other tall crops. I have spoken, even if Greene has to wait its heart and body attention‘s.
With a concerted effort I tried doing nothing today in reverence to the rain(?) or really an off’n’on drizzle being more like it. If our weather doesn’t become any more serious than it is now, by this evening if I can find a squeegee I might either pull’r’push enough this fallen participation together for a Shorthorn country 1/8th inch lightly rained accumulation.
Time spent in the dry of the shop I broke down the Truckster wheels and inner-tube-ed both of rear load carrying tires. As I write this, the Truckster down in the barn is standing tall on all four its own feet without blocking under the axles.
Up in the house Her Mostess is making a chocolate dump cake. Such a simple little idear I passed along to her and she’s running hard at simply dumping this’r’that in another baking dish.
If this miserable weather hasn’t done nothing else it is weighing heavily on my a multitude of spurs upon what feels like everyone my aching joints has been out upon. How many pain relievers can a body take in before a body’s liver caves in? And, this headache. Could it possibly be I’ve got more spurs upon the brain?
Perhaps yes, perhaps no, I may or may not have done my good deed for the week. I deposited a whole bucket full of dimpled eggs upon a neighbor’s chair under a his open sheltered entry. I’ll let him decide whether they’re useful for use for some sort of a sporting extravaganza he is either organizing one-way or another my delivering them in/on time?
Opps, almost forgot. I had a two nice couples (goose and gander pairs) watching me this morning as I was picking up fire wood. I’m hoping either one or both of them consider making the Duck Pond their summer nesting site for clutch making/rearing home for the season.

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