Tuesday, January 13, 2009

An Alberta Clipper’s coming

Thinking I was going to get an early start the neighborhood ladies aid society came by intervening by upsetting my good intentions. And, when I wrote coming by they was by my window. “What the….?” I thought to myself.
Putting my second leg in my pants I was hopping … (not mad) just trying to force my foot out the lower end of the folded pant leg. Ever notice how much longer it takes to do something when you’re hurried? That’s the way it was with me this early AM. Carnsarned ladies anyway! When I finally got outside moving quickly from the deck to the field of my troubles below. One contingent of the ladies had taken it upon themselves to check out this week’s trash before pickup. A second contingent of the ladies were busily checking over the wagon load of shelled corn I had brought home only a couple days ago. A third contingent the Ladies Aid were inspecting today’s food stuffs to have been delivered their way a bit later yet today. Now if this weren’t enough, there was still a fourth contingent of ladies checking out the wind breaking benefits of my home and the wind they had decided to avoid while looking in my bedroom windows. All of them earnestly taken an interest in their varied tasks, none of them were paying any attention to me. I asked Terry to help me out. While I waited for Terry a township cop showed up asking if I had gotten all my cows out of the road. I mentioned two things. One, it looked like it. The second if he had a moment he could help me out, where upon he anxiously motored off. Some freaking public servant???
It weren’t until I had asked for the assistance of Terry had I/we had between us enough clout to redirect the ladies to a more harmonious conclusive understanding the boundaries of good conduct between the differences of minds. Namely mine and all of theirs; they in their place, and I in mine. While Terry helpfully ushered the ladies around the east side of the house I took up a position further down the driveway making sure my pushed charges as well as those what were joining them didn’t loose their way into that area more condusive the place I wanted them to rethink their early morning activities. Carnsarned Shorthorn country busy bodies anyway!
When the Ladies Aid Society had been redirected their place in our association I made a beneficial proposal for the both of us with Terry. “Keep my Ford tractor warmed up in your garage and we’ll be set for the Alberta clipper when it hits us head on.” I liked the thought. Terry liked the idea. So did the Ford. It actually steered, though stiffly across the road knowing it was going to be keep inside where it’d be cozily kept nice and warm.
Being another day to grind, I was off to the elevator for supplements and then the empty feed box. Getting back the English Leland came to life for having had everything plugged in earlier. I ground and mixed grain without problem. However when shutting down the equipment to an idle the Leland was making some disturbing rattling noises. Checking it out I saw sparks coming off the fan blade against the radiator shroud. On closer inspection I’m assuming the water pump shaft had broken. Wonderful. I guess I’ll be deep freezing taking Leland tractor apart the next couple days. See to it the water pump is rebuilt and readied for installation when the deep deepest cold gets here. Fun! To talk about the rest of the day is likely an even more of a bore, So I’m hanging it up right about here! BGKC.

1 comment:

Paula said...

Yep I've noticed how hard it is to do something when you're in a hurry. I pray our house doesn't catch fire while my back it out.